LuCI error at r25579

Have been compiling images using Linux image builder for quite awhile.
Compiled Early post of Rev 25565 and all OK.
Some luci related commits were since included and from then and thru Rev 25579
luci fails to launch reporting back .......

Runtime error
Unhandled exception during request dispatching
/usr/lib/lua/luci/ucodebridge.lua:23: /usr/lib/lua/luci/dispatcher.lua:102: module 'luci.controller.' not found:
no field package.preload['luci.controller.']
no file './luci/controller/.lua'
no file '/usr/share/lua/luci/controller/.lua'
no file '/usr/share/lua/luci/controller//init.lua'
no file '/usr/lib/lua/luci/controller/.lua'
no file '/usr/lib/lua/luci/controller//init.lua'
no file './luci/controller/.so'
no file '/usr/lib/lua/luci/controller/.so'
no file '/usr/lib/lua/'
no file './'
no file '/usr/lib/lua/'
no file '/usr/lib/lua/'

In error(), file [C]
called from function [anonymous function] (/usr/lib/lua/luci/ucodebridge.lua:23)
called from function ((tail call))
In [anonymous function](), file /usr/share/ucode/luci/runtime.uc, line 148, byte 45:
  called from function build_pagetree (/usr/share/ucode/luci/dispatcher.uc:382:73)
  called from function menu_json (/usr/share/ucode/luci/dispatcher.uc:439:26)
  called from function [anonymous function] (/usr/share/ucode/luci/dispatcher.uc:898:24)
  called from anonymous function (/www/cgi-bin/luci:39:13)

 `        return, method, ...args);`
  Near here ----------------------------------------^

Anybody else seeing this ?

I have shell control via CLI but luci is DOA.

luci's latest commit has reverted the wrong commit. Revert "luci-base: force menu to regenerate after uci change" · openwrt/luci@f2a4910 (


Thanks for the update.
Will wait for rev update.
Went back to rev 25565.

Revision 25589 has corrected this issue

Yes, my last working SNAPSHOT & custom packages is r25565.

I don't think it's the SNAPSHOT itself, but rather something to do with the updated luci-compat ipk and the packages that use it (i.e. luci-app-ddns, luci-app-openvpn). My mesh node which does not run any of these services updates without any LuCI issues.

Like @shi05275 already said, there was an erroneous commit in LuCI, which I reverted yesterday after noticing the same error in my own build. The error was there only a few hours, but buildbot managed to build luci-base for some targets in those hours.

You have to wait 1-2 days for the fixed package to appear, and then upgrade it.


Is this affecting luci-statistics?
I lose the graphing for sqm layer cake.
Used to be solid.
I udated a couple days ago?

luci-app-sqm	git-24.075.52231-da4665d	4.30 KiB	Luci interface for the SQM scripts queue management package	

luci-app-statistics	git-24.075.52231-38c1fa1	34.90 KiB	LuCI Statistics Application

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