Hi, I got this error, too, right after making the upgrade from 19.07.1 to 19.07.2 on the O2 box 6431.
It disappears after making a restart, but can appear again, I wasn't able to reproduce though.
Then I made a custom compile with additional packages (release 19.07.2), but even after doing 'make dirclean && make clean' before compiling, this also happened right after flashing. Is there something in the config files that can produce this error?
I have these packages included:
- htop
- luci
- luci-app-banip
- luci-app-ddns
- luci-app-diag-core
- luci-app-sqm
- luci-app-ntpc
- luci-app-watchcat
- luci-app-wifischedule
- luci-app-wol
- luci-app-statistics
- luci-compat
- curl
- wget
- openssh-sftp-server
- 6in4
- netperf
- nano