LuCI APP: luci-app-3ginfo - 3ginfo gui (Info about 3G/LTE connection)

I will supplement the above:

  • there are no problems with connecting to the modem, if you run a script for huawei modem and give it its IP as a parrameter, everything will work out correctly

  • with wget, too, there should be no problems, since the script part works out - there was a problem with wget in the firmware earlier, but I solved it a long time ago

  • and as I said above - if you put the same compiled package separately and configure it, everything works

Hi @kulhaker478
If you are compiling a package, the execute permissions for the script files may be a problem. This anomaly occurs and file permissions need to be corrected prior to compilation.

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Wow! Thx so much, I added a postinst part from Makefile in its uci-defaults rule and everything started up immediately after flashing the image. It turns out that postinst is not executed if the package is integrated into the firmware(?). I think this should be marked as a possible solution to the problem if the package is integrated into the firmware. Thanks again for your work :3

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This is the way to make it work 3ginfo-lite can't read info ?

Hi @Isekai
Luci-app-3ginfo-lite must be properly configured to read data.
One must set the appropriate port for communication with the modem and indicate the interface servicing the modem connection.

For ZTE MF286R, unless I'm mistaken, the port for communication with the modem is /dev/ttyACM0. There cannot be more packets communicating with the modem at the same time.

Its working on other model of mf286r but my other device mf286r no getting info. I own 2 devices of mf286r both running openwrt.

Console version return data?


Hi. I tried to edit in
Mf289f to mf286r
And 19d21485 to 19d21489

But same issue

I don't know what you changed but both routers should work right away. If nothing shows, check script permissions to see if it can execute.

Its not working.

Show command result


Connecting to port 22, please wait...
login as:

BusyBox v1.35.0 (2022-10-07 23:34:56 UTC) built-in shell (ash)

| |.-----.-----.-----.| | | |.----.| |_
| - || _ | -| || | | || || |
_____|| |
||||___||| |____|
| I S E K A I W O R L D

OpenWrt 22.03.1, r19777-2853b6d652

=== WARNING! =====================================
There is no root password defined on this device!
Use the "passwd" command to set up a new password
in order to prevent unauthorized SSH logins.

root@OpenWrt:~# /usr/share/3ginfo-lite/
/usr/share/3ginfo-lite/ line 114: getpath: not found
/usr/share/3ginfo-lite/ line 117: getpath: not found
/usr/share/3ginfo-lite/ line 117: getpath: not found
/usr/share/3ginfo-lite/ line 117: getpath: not found
"connt":"0d, 00:02:03",
"conntx":"442.1 KiB",
"connrx":"79.5 KiB",
"modem":"ZTE MF286R",
"mode":"LTE-A | B28 (700 MHz) + B3 (1800 MHz)",
"pband":"B28 (700 MHz) @15 MHz",
"s1band":"B3 (1800 MHz) @15 MHz",

Gives a data tru thi /usr/share/3ginfo-lite/

But not showing in 3ginfo html

Remove this version of the package and check the older one I provided. ZTE version R uses different variations of modems. You can see for yourself that the same router, the same version of the package, and different operation.

3ginfo doesn't show data because signal strength is 0, I don't know why but it doesn't return.. it doesn't read so.. you have to check back versions, maybe some of the added commands are not supported by modem and it crashes script.

Its work thanks
Like u said signal strength is zero but its ok.

It doesn't really work as it should. The most important parameter, i.e. signal strength, is missing.

What is the result of the commands below:

sms_tool -d /dev/ttyACM0 at "at+csq"
sms_tool -d /dev/ttyACM0 at "at+zrssi"

Connecting to port 22, please wait...
login as:

BusyBox v1.35.0 (2022-10-07 23:34:56 UTC) built-in shell (ash)

| |.-----.-----.-----.| | | |.----.| |_
| - || _ | -| || | | || || |
_____|| |
||||___||| |____|
| I S E K A I W O R L D

OpenWrt 22.03.1, r19777-2853b6d652

=== WARNING! =====================================
There is no root password defined on this device!
Use the "passwd" command to set up a new password
in order to prevent unauthorized SSH logins.

root@OpenWrt:~# sms_tool -d /dev/ttyACM0 at "at+csq"

+CSQ: 31,99

root@OpenWrt:~# sms_tool -d /dev/ttyACM0 at "at+zrssi"

+ZRSSI: -69,-10.5,-48,-15


How to fix this?
Thanks for helping me..

Uhh.. what a stupid modem..

Ok, I did a script update (it's on my github), I hope it fixes everything.

Remove the package, install the latest version and replace the content of the file
to the contents of the file from github.

Yup. I give this my build image to other this say its working fine but to me is like this. It can read the imei and signal strength.