Luci-app-aria2 fix need

Hello i found bug in luci-app-aria2
i add extra setting but not its write in final file.
in this case add dscp=8

in section list of config, the site write in file in /etc/config/aria2
list extra_setting 'dscp=8'
and this is not write in final config aria2 file.

but this correct is
list extra_settings 'dscp=8'
after i change this config is writted in config aria2 file.

but it's not visible on site.
its it's a simple fix but i don't think how to fix.

There was already a fix for that committed on Feb 25th:

Maybe it didn't get cherry-picked to release. What version of OpenWrt are you running?

UPDATE: jow just cherry-picked it for 19.07, the new package should be available within a few days, you'll have to reinstall it.

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I run LuCI openwrt-19.07 branch (git-20.310.50568-7b1b82d) / OpenWrt 19.07.4 r11208-ce6496d796.
How i track available update for fix?

UPDATE: It's available thanks.

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