Load balancing Lan clients

citing from your other highjacked thread post: Load balancing wlan? - #4 by DrHarryT

I want better LAN distribution over my two WAN connections. I have an openwrt based load balancing duel WAN router…
I would like to know if there is a mwan3 rule or policy which will route new connections to the "least" active WAN connection? My DSL connections are only... 5.5Mb/s and 6.5Mb/s

Though as you dripfeed info into separate threads, we dont know, if this is now the full set of info. Practically the following answer of me might be of no help at all, I originally wrote it in the other thread, before I saw this, where you revealed that you are not even using OpenWRT, but something else:

2x 6mbit isnt much, you might expect too much. The following will not do magic, but can turn an large problem into a small problem:

try QoS firewall rules, to priorize traffic targeting netflix IPs

try smart queue management (practically any router can handle the resulting CPU load for 2x 6mbit/s throughput), that will likely not solve VoD issues on an line that gets exausted by a single video stream already, but might improve other issues in your network a bit. You likely do not only have video issues with such low WAN throughput.

try more suitable MWAN3 rules:

  • route daughter/netflix requests to WAN1 and use failover for that to WAN2.
  • route everything else/non-video-client IPs with opposite WAN preference.

if needed, you could create a second LAN interface and 2nd LAN zone with a separate VLAN(or DSA, depending on your routers ability). This gives you a different subnet IP range. This will not speed up anything, but gives you more options: you then have different source subnets, for more coarse grained ranged rules for QoS or MWAN3. Google openwrt guest network.

if needed, create 2 separate Wifi networks to join, corresponding with your 2 WAN lines, in case you have several video watching family members at the same time. As practically only 2 streams are possible at the same time, family of more than 2 persons can then manually fine tune activities.

PS: I am not sure, if WAN3 has advantage at all for you, does either of the DSL lines have frequent downtimes? MWAN3 is more aimed at high availability/failover, but not really for cable bonding or loadbalancing

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