Linksys WRT32X, ON/OFF wifi control conditional

Hello there,
So far, I use cron to switch on/off wifi on my Linksys WRT32X router with OpenWrt 18.06.4 r7808-ef686b7292 / LuCI openwrt-18.06 branch (git-19.170.32094-4d6d8bc.
I want to improve the system: In case a specific station is associated, it will not switch OFF. IP will be used to select the station.
I found a script here and tried to use it.
Unfortunately, I get the error message:

Force scanning of all associated STAs
Force usage of default wireless interface wlan0
Force usage of default scan intensity 3 seconds

<wlan0> is not a valid wireless interface,
or not supported by mac80211-based driver

./ -d wlan1
<-d> wireless device provided without argument

./ -d wlan2
<-d> wireless device provided without argument

What am I doing wrong? Is the script still good now for my router?
Thank you for your help

I found where is the issue:
To help I copy the script bellow. This script is from the above link I wrote.
In the # Handling Script Arguments section, PARAM and VALUE are filled from the arguments.
I added the echo and run it

# Handling Script Arguments                                                                                                     
echo ArgOne $1                                                                                                                    
echo ArgTwo $2                                                                                                                    
while [ "$1" != "" ]; do                                                                                                        
    PARAM=`echo $1 | awk -F= '{print $1}'`                                                                                      
    VALUE=`echo $1 | awk -F= '{print $2}'`                                                                                      
echo $PARAM                                                                                                                     
echo $VALUE                                                                                                                     
    case $PARAM in

 ./ -d wlan1
ArgOne -d
ArgTwo wlan1

<-d> wireless device provided without argument

There is an error while extracting the values. The blank line after -d should show wlan1
Unfortunately I can't find where is the error, not good with awk.
Could you help to fix it and explain what does the line

VALUE=`echo $1 ...`


# WLAN Minitoring Script Version v2.1
# OpenWrt Atheros wireless radio STA status monitor
# Developed by dir2cas <>
# Comments:
# Required packages: bash, iw, kmod- packages&drivers to get your wireless interface running
# Optional packages: 
# install with $ opkg update; opkg install iw bash ....
# To check if it's installed on your OpenWrt box, try $ opkg list-installed | grep "iw", etc.
# It is also recommended to have bash shell installed on your OpenWrt router
# Generally, the script should work without modifying the source, but you are free to do it if satisfying your needs.


################ SCRIPT GLOBAL VARIABLES ################ 
# Defining varialbles (usually no need to modify)

for i in $(seq 1 6)
	eval sta_$i=""
	eval sta_ip_$i=""
	eval sta_hostname_$i=""
	eval sta_linenum_$i=""

    for i in $(seq 1 $2)
    echo $(eval echo \$$current_value)
    return 1

    echo $(eval echo \$$current_value)

 Usage() {
# Define the help/warning message:
echo -e "\tUsage: ./${SCRIPTNAME}.sh [OPTION 1] [ARG 1]...[OPTION n] [ARG n]\n\n\tList of available options:\n\t-i :\tscan intensity in seconds\n\t-d :\twireless device/interface to monitor on\n\t-t :\t[STA_MAC | STA_IP | STA_Hostname]\n\t-h, --help :\tshow this menu\n\tDefault is to monitor all stations associated\n\tusing wireless device ${WLAN_DEFAULT} and scan intensity ${MON_INTERVAL_DEFAULT} sec"

# Defining the Away() function to terminate the script
 Away() {
# Show the message sent to the terminating function, if any
echo -e >&2 "$@\n"
sleep 1

#do some cleaning
rm -f ${DIR}/* > /dev/null

unset DIR
unset FILE
unset HOST
unset sta_num
unset sta_list
unset sta_count
#unset sta[@]
#unset sta_ip[@]
#unset sta_hostname[@]
#unset sta_linenum[@]
unset sta_mac_arp
unset sta_mac
unset flag
sleep 1
exit 0

# Defining the Scan() function to print the current status of the wireless clients to the temp file:
 Scan() {
local WLAN_MON_CMD="$1"

# Defining the GetHosts() function to learn the IPs and Hostnames of the wireless clients' stations (STAs):
 GetHosts() {
local i=1
sta_num=$(grep -c 'Station' ${DIR}/${FILE})

# Check if there are STAs connected to the AP
if [ "${sta_num}" -eq "0" ]; then
    Away "NO Wireless STAs associated"

# Get list with the associated STAs' MAC addresses
sta_list=$(cat ${DIR}/${FILE} | grep -e "Station" | cut -f 2 -d" ")

if [ -z "${sta_list}" ]; then     # -n the argument is non empty, -z the argument is empty
    Away "NO Wireless STAs associated"

# Check again the real scanned wireless STAs (MAC addresses in the array)
sta_count=$(echo ${sta_list} | wc -w)

# Get each STA its IP and Hostname 
while [ "${i}" -le "${sta_count}" ]
    eval sta_${i}=$(echo ${sta_list} | awk -v num=$i '{print $num}')
    #sta[${i}]=$(echo ${sta_list} | cut -f${i} -d" "

    eval sta_ip_${i}=$(cat ${CLIENTS} | grep "$(array_index sta_ ${i})" | awk '{print $3}')
    if [ -z "$(array_index sta_ip_ ${i})" ]; then     # -n the argument is non empty, -z the argument is empty    
        eval sta_ip_${i}=$(grep -e "$(array_index sta_ ${i})" "${ARP_CACHE}" | awk '{print $1}')

    eval sta_hostname_${i}=$(cat ${CLIENTS} | grep "$(array_index sta_ ${i})" | awk '{print $4}')
    if [ -z "$(array_index sta_hostname_ ${i})" ] || [ "$(array_index sta_hostname_ ${i})" = "*" ]; then   # fix * if hostname for the device is not set    
        eval sta_hostname_${i}="noname"
    #identify the line number of the beginning of each entry
    eval sta_linenum_${i}=$(grep -n -E "$(array_index sta_ ${i})" ${DIR}/${FILE} | cut -f1 -d: )
    let "i += 1"

# Defining the Format() function to prepare the final output of the script
 Format() {
local i=1
local divider="----------------------------------------------------------------------"

while [ "${i}" -le "${sta_count}" ]
    line=$(grep -e "$(array_index sta_ ${i})" ${DIR}/${FILE})
    sed -i '/'"$(array_index sta_ ${i})"'/ s/.*/'"${line} => IP:$(array_index sta_ip_ ${i}) | Host:$(array_index sta_hostname_ ${i})"'/g' ${DIR}/${FILE}
    sed -i '/'"$(array_index sta_ ${i})"'/ i'"${divider}"'' ${DIR}/${FILE}
    let "i += 1"

# Defining the STA_select() function to choose the correct STA, specified by the user with an IP or hostname
 STA_select() {
#Initialize the script argument
local ARG="$1"
local i=1

#Get the probable STA MAC address from the arp cache (the STA may have a static IP, not found in the dhcp file)
#sta_mac_arp=$(arp | grep "${ARG}" | awk '{print $4}')   #this method seems broken, if no arp binary
sta_mac_arp=$(grep -e "${ARG}" "${ARP_CACHE}" | awk '{print $4}')

#Loop to find the STA MAC address that corresponds to the given argument
while [ "${i}" -le "${sta_count}" ]
    if [ "${ARG}" = "$(array_index sta_hostname_ ${i})" ] || [ "${ARG}" = "$(array_index sta_ip_ ${i})" ] || [ "${sta_mac_arp}" = "$(array_index sta_ ${i})" ] ; then
        #if the corresponding MAC is found(confirmed by dhcp), parse it to a variable that will be returned
        sta_mac=$(array_index sta_ ${i})
    let "i += 1"    

if [ -n "${sta_mac}" ]; then   # -n the argument is non empty, -z the argument is empty
    return "1"
    #the given IP or hosname may be of a device that is not a wireless STA, in this case, exiting
    Away "The given IP/Hostname <${ARG}> is not a Wireless STA"

# Defining the Main() function
 Main() {

#Define what to do when Ctrl-C is pressed - in this case - to terminate the script jumping to a terminating function
trap '{ echo -e "\nControl-C trap caught, exiting"; Away; }' INT #traps Ctrl-C

#Run an initial scan for wireless clients first to get the information needed:
WLAN_MON_CMD="iw dev ${INTERFACE} station dump"
Scan "${WLAN_MON_CMD}"

#Check which mode of the script to be run:
if [ -z "${HOST}" ]; then     # -n the argument is non empty, -z the argument is empty
    #if no argument given, the script will monitor all STAs, default mode
    WLAN_MON_CMD="iw dev ${INTERFACE} station dump"
    STA_select "${HOST}"
    WLAN_MON_CMD="iw dev ${INTERFACE} station get ${sta_mac}"

# Start actual monitoring
while :
Scan "${WLAN_MON_CMD}"
printf "%s STA(s) associated\n" "${sta_num}"
cat ${DIR}/${FILE}
sleep "${MON_INTERVAL}"

ARGC=$(echo "$argv" | awk '{print NF}')
#echo "Script parameters are: $@ \nNumber of parameters in the Array: $ARGC"
#declare -a ARGUMENTS=("$@")

# Global variables defaults
#Monitor interval in seconds

# Initialize script parameters and usage
if [ "$#" -gt "6" ]; then
    Away "Too many arguments provided\n"

# Handling Script Arguments
while [ "$1" != "" ]; do
    PARAM=`echo $1 | awk -F= '{print $1}'`
    VALUE=`echo $1 | awk -F= '{print $2}'`
    case $PARAM in
        -h | --help)
             [ -z "$VALUE" ] && Away "###WARNING###\n<$PARAM> monitoring intensity provided without argument" && exit 0
             [ -z "$VALUE" ] && Away "###WARNING###\n<$PARAM> wireless device provided without argument" && exit 0
             [ -z "$VALUE" ] && Away "###WARNING###\n<$PARAM> target station provided without argument" && exit 0
            Away "###WARNING###\n<$PARAM> is invalid script option\nCheck the help option for a list of available options"
            exit 1

# Defining unspecified vital global parameters
if [ -z "${HOST}" ]; then echo -e "Force scanning of all associated STAs"; unset ${HOST}; fi
if [ -z "${INTERFACE}" ]; then echo -e "Force usage of default wireless interface ${WLAN_DEFAULT}"; INTERFACE="${WLAN_DEFAULT}"; fi
if [ -z "${MON_INTERVAL}" ]; then echo -e "Force usage of default scan intensity ${MON_INTERVAL_DEFAULT} seconds"; MON_INTERVAL="${MON_INTERVAL_DEFAULT}"; fi 

CLIENTS=$(cat /etc/config/dhcp | grep "leasefile" | sed 's/.*leasefile//' | tr -d " '") >&- 2>&-
if [ -z "${CLIENTS}" ]; then     # -n the argument is non empty, -z the argument is empty

# Check if the specified interface is a valid wireless device
$(which iw) dev ${INTERFACE} info 2>/dev/null > /dev/null || { Away "\n<${INTERFACE}> is not a valid wireless interface,\nor not supported by mac80211-based driver"; };
sleep 1

# Check for the script directory in /tmp (RAM):
if [ -d "${DIR}" ]; then
    #echo "Directory exists"
    rm -f ${DIR}/* > /dev/null
    cd ${DIR} || exit 0
    echo "Directory does not exists"
    echo "Creating directory"
    mkdir -p ${DIR}
    cd ${DIR} || exit 0

I found the error. In fact no error in the script commands but in the help

 ./ -h
	Usage: ./ [OPTION 1] [ARG 1]...[OPTION n] [ARG n]

	List of available options:
	-i :	scan intensity in seconds
	-d :	wireless device/interface to monitor on
	-t :	[STA_MAC | STA_IP | STA_Hostname]
	-h, --help :	show this menu
	Default is to monitor all stations associated
	using wireless device wlan0 and scan intensity 3 sec

In the help the delimiter is space in the script is the =, so the right command is

./ -d=wlan2
Force scanning of all associated STAs
Force usage of default scan intensity 3 seconds
NO Wireless STAs associated

Thank you for your help.
No I'll work on the integration of the ON/OFF wifi control