Linksys WRT1900ACS dual partition malfunction

Dear Community,

I'm using the imagebuilder to create images for my Linksys WRT1900ACS every now and then.
However one partition always keeps on the image running 6.6.35 and using the config from that time.
If i flash an update from the other partition, using Luci, it's always ignored.

Is there anything i can do, to test if the flash memory is still working fine?
Thanks and have a good evenig.

issue, and good morning to you.

Edit: see post if you need to work around the issue

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Thanks a lot for that bug-report.
i don't need that workarround, i simply update twice, restore config and am fine on the new version :slight_smile:
will wait, until it's official solved, i guess.

It's solved now, see the bugreport :slight_smile: