Sorry for the mess, I'm around halfway of moving stuff around and I've not had much time today to do what I wanted to.
After I've finished with that, I'll set a few mainteneance page to monitor what pages are in the right place but not visible in the main wiki yet, so people can start fixing them up and then adding the link in the index page.
I'll list the equivalent pages below. Could you make an example of how to use that plugin? I'm also an admin in the wiki so I can use it on my own too if I understand how.
doc:howto:basic.config >> docs:guide-quick-start:factory_installation
doc:howto:obtain.firmware >> downloads
about:latest >> downloads
doc:uci:network >> docs:user-guide:base-system:network:start
doc:howto:build >> docs:guide-developer:build-system:start
doc:howto:generic.overview >> docs:user-guide:start
doc:uci:firewall >> docs:user-guide:base-system:firewall_configuration
doc:howto:firstlogin >> docs:guide-quick-start:factory_installation#check_flash_result
doc:uci:wireless >> docs:user-guide:wifi:start
doc:uci:system >> docs:user-guide:base-system:system_configuration
doc:howto:obtain.firmware.generate >> docs:user-guide:additional-software:imagebuilder
about:toolchain >> docs:guide-developer:build-system:start
doc:howto:generic.debrick >> docs:user-guide:generic.debrick
doc:howto:hardware.button >> docs:user-guide:hardware:hardware.button
doc:howto:buildroot.exigence >> docs:guide-developer:build-system:install-buildsystem
doc:howto:generic.flashing >> docs:user-guide:generic.flashing
doc:howto:start >> docs:start
doc:howto:usb.essentials >> docs:user-guide:storage:usb-drives
doc:howto:generic.failsafe >> docs:user-guide:failsafe_and_factory_reset
docs:user-guide:services:http.overview >> no link for this, was an overview for all http pages, and I don't think we need this. same for most other "overview" pages after this
doc:howto:vpn.openvpn >> docs:user-guide:services:openvpnserver.setup
doc:howto:client.overview >> same as above, no article for this
doc:devel:bugs >> bugs
doc:uci:luci >> broken link also in old wiki >> obsolete build example, just removed
doc:howtobuild:build.dockstar >> same as above, not even remotely applicable to modern OpenWrt
doc:howtobuild:start >> no idea what this was supposed to be, just removed
meta:template_howtobuild >> useless, removed. Might be replaced with docs:guide-developer:build-system:start
I'ld also like to note that I've found quite a bit of pages with html code in them, like this