Ksmbd (Samba3/4 alternative, ex cifsd/smbd) package support thread

Hi I am getting the same log thing@:
Sat Feb 26 11:24:20 2022 kern.err kernel: [ 205.925094] ksmbd: No IPC daemon response for 20s
This is on master branch on a r7800. Any one know how to fix pleas?

You can fix this by, for example, having Your Sources for Master.

Then you go to the folder
and in the Makefile you replace:



to a lower version:



Then You save the file and build your image.

I have a similar problem, after upgrading from 19.07 to 21.02 was forced to install ksmbd-server-3.4.2. Installed, everything is displayed in the web interface, it sees the configs via ssh and it corresponds to the web interface, but there is no access to the network share

root@OpenWrt:~# cat /etc/os-release
ID_LIKE="lede openwrt"
PRETTY_NAME="OpenWrt 21.02.2"
OPENWRT_RELEASE="OpenWrt 21.02.2 r16495-bf0c965af0"

root@OpenWrt:~# uname -ar
Linux OpenWrt 5.4.179 #0 SMP Wed Feb 16 20:29:10 2022 mips GNU/Linux

root@OpenWrt:~# /usr/sbin/ksmbd.mountd --version
ksmbd-tools version : 3.4.2

root@OpenWrt:~# opkg status ksmbd-server
Package: ksmbd-server
Version: 3.4.2-2
Depends: libc, kmod-fs-ksmbd, libnl-core200, libnl-genl200
Status: install user installed
Architecture: mipsel_24kc
 /etc/config/ksmbd 9cf43e11524752a960a4bc129dd251d94a34bd0acfd336e8f7e7d68f33d3bb68
 /etc/ksmbd/smb.conf.template f9b45aa86ea66fef794917c1e6ead43e5cafb5cdaba14a57c21e18f848aaa8a3
Installed-Time: 1650142884

root@OpenWrt:~# cat /etc/ksmbd/smb.conf
	netbios name = OpenWrt
	server string = Ksmbd on OpenWrt
	workgroup = WORKGROUP
	interfaces = br-lan 
	bind interfaces only = yes
	ipc timeout = 20
	deadtime = 15
	map to guest = Bad User
	smb2 max read = 64K
	smb2 max write = 64K
	smb2 max trans = 64K
	cache read buffers = no
	cache trans buffers = no

######### Dynamic written config options #########
	server min protocol = NT1
	server signing = disabled

	path = /mnt/externalusb
	create mask = 0666
	directory mask = 0777
	read only = no
	guest ok = yes
	hide dot files = no

root@OpenWrt:~# mount -v
/dev/root on /rom type squashfs (ro,relatime)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,noatime)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,noatime)
cgroup2 on /sys/fs/cgroup type cgroup2 (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,nsdelegate)
tmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime)
/dev/mtdblock6 on /overlay type jffs2 (rw,noatime)
overlayfs:/overlay on / type overlay (rw,noatime,lowerdir=/,upperdir=/overlay/upper,workdir=/overlay/work)
tmpfs on /dev type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,relatime,size=512k,mode=755)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,mode=600,ptmxmode=000)
debugfs on /sys/kernel/debug type debugfs (rw,noatime)
none on /sys/fs/bpf type bpf (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,noatime,mode=700)
/dev/sda1 on /mnt/externalusb type ntfs (ro,relatime,uid=0,gid=0,fmask=0177,dmask=077,nls=default,errors=continue,mft_zone_multiplier=1)

When I had 21.02.01 - "force root" option solved the problem

Now with 21.02.02 - no shares again

Real - Archer c7v4 tested with ksmbd-server 3.4.2-2, 3.3.9-1, 3.4.4-1
Virtual - x86\64 (Quemu, Linux)

This issue was not open in the correct repository, I open another one in packages :innocent: https://github.com/openwrt/packages/issues/18303

Please get some feedback there.
I have resolved this issue with a local built to get back the ksmbd package to 3.4.4 !

:+1: :wink:

Hello, could you give me some advice? I did not roll back any files, I just installed 21.02 and samba does not work (look here I described in detail: https://forum.openwrt.org/t/ksmbd-samba3-4-alternative-ex-cifsd-smbd-package-support-thread/51695/229?u=k0lunya)

Yes, it is not your fault !
The maintainers had reverted the package to an older version.
It is why I have opened an issue, that you may contribute to say you have the issue also.
I hope the correct version will be release again.

Thanks for the answer, tell me one more thing: when the solution to the problem appears, will I need to update the entire firmware or will it be enough to update the ksmbd package?

K0lunya, ksmbd package only

Just simple test with virtual x86\64
21.02.01 - ksmbd-server 3.4.2-2, kmod-fs-ksmbd 5.4.154+3.3.9-1 - OK
21.02.02 - ksmbd-server 3.4.2-2, kmod-fs-ksmbd 5.4.179+3.4.4-1 - fail
Samba4 - OK but no fit to real device

kmod-fs-ksmbd 5.4.179+3.4.4-1 needs some fix !

21.02.03 Released

Still no shares on virtual x86/64
ksmbd-server 3.4.2-2, kmod-fs-ksmbd 5.4.188+3.4.4-1

Permanent headache?

No fix yet!

works on 22.03.0.rc1 at lest
well it passes the 5 minute test

Ksmbd/Kmod Version 3.4.2/3.4.3

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Please, report on this issue to help the revert of the downgrade request.

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What a mess.

So openwrt-22.03 has ksmbd 3.4.3, which is compatible with ksmbd-tools version 3.4.2. ksmbd 3.4.4 is not.

The issue currently is that openwrt 21-02 has version 3.4.4 and there's no way to downgrade to 3.4.3. Unfortunately @hauke recently cut a release so fixing this will have to be done with the next release.

Let's not even mention that 3.4.4 ksmbd-tools have bugs that prevent normal usage.

I believe most of this will get fixed with the next release. I can update openwrt-21.02 to use ksmbd-tools 3.4.4 but the whole reason I reverted was because users were complaining it didn't work.

Thanks to you and everyone who answered me, but I got tired of waiting and returned to the 19.07.8 version, apparently it's too early to update.

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I do not understand !?

// A little Out Of Topic ...
I think there is something to study and understand about this particular problem !
We (OpenWrt users & maintainers) need, no, must take an experience about this.

May be I am missing something but I have get a lot of works lost on my PR tries and it makes me also get away a little from OpenWrt actions.
Most because of human judgements here on forum and on GitHub.
But also because of non technical solution's priority.
It is a little out of topic, but I feel like the LEDE past problematic happening again...
So lot of time lost, for users, for developers, for maintainers, just because of still hierarchical structure and empowerment ?
// sorry for possible noise, but OpenWrt may be a great alternative and still need enhancement, but not only on its code...

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...and a recent snapshot (r19454-8084ec8061) has:
ksmbd-server 3.4.4-1
ksmbd-server 3.4.4-1
ksmbd-avahi-service 3.4.4-1
kmod-fs-ksmbd 5.10.110+3.4.3-1

I don't see even see a ksmbd-tools listed in the available software list.

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If I disable Allow guests, I cannot access the folder.

sound like you are one of the guests you disabled