Kmodloader can not load some modules when install packages in extroot

Device: tplink tl-mr3420 v2
Build_info: Custom build using Openwrt-18.06-master
extroot config

config global
	option auto_swap '1'
	option auto_mount '1'
	option delay_root '5'
	option check_fs '0'
	option anon_swap '1'
	option anon_mount '1'

config mount 'overlay'
	option uuid 'c4ccba7f-c3ff-47c2-89d4-e5d0a087c8b9'
	option target '/overlay'

for this error nlbwmon and sqm are not working

kmodloader: 11 modules could not be probed
kmodloader: - act_mirred - 0
kmodloader: - act_skbedit - 0
kmodloader: - cls_flow - 0
kmodloader: - cls_fw - 0
kmodloader: - cls_route - 0
kmodloader: - cls_tcindex - 0
kmodloader: - cls_u32 - 0
kmodloader: - em_u32 - 0
kmodloader: - nf_conntrack_netlink - 0
kmodloader: - sch_cake - 0
kmodloader: - sch_ingress - 0

This can happen if you build modules separately.
Make sure to perform a clean build including all required modules.

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not working, i have got same result after trying multiple builds.

What happens when you try to load them manually?

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insmod /lib/modules/*.ko return with failed to probe the modules, may be there have some limitation in openwrt kernel 4.9.243.. now i am going try older builds of openwrt..

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