Isolated Wifi with Multiple SSIDs

This is with regards to

Isolated Guest Wifi with Multiple SSIDs


(which is linked in the forum topic mentioned.
This guide is several years old though.

I try to setup a similar configuration. One TP-Link Archer C7 v2 to a fibre modem. I would like to have multiple SSIDs and a network separation between them. That guide on Medium seemed like a good option, but after having it set-up, I do not get a IPv4 address lease.

The other thing, that I find odd is that there is no device in their /etc/config/network

config 'interface' 'public'
        option 'proto' 'static'
        option 'ipaddr' ''
        option 'netmask' ''

Has something changed since that guide was written? Any other considerations?

I am relatively new to OpenWRT and have the e8450. I installed OpenWRT 23.05.
I am trying to get up each radio ( 2.4Ghz and 5 Ghz) with Multiple Guest SSIDs.
Each will be on a separate sublet and Isolated. Router is in "Router" mode.

I'm using Luci to do it for now but Im comfortable with the CLI as well.
I need a little help, I want to know the step by step sequencing of how this is to be done. I have seached the forums and knowledge base but I cant see any clear and well defined standard sequence.

Is it: First to add wireless network>then add/configure interface> then add and configure firewall rules>then add and configure traffic rules
If thats correct then do I need to have one of the SSIDS linked to the lan interface and all the guest ssids not linked to the lan interface ?
Is it to be one unique interface linked to one wireless network (so if i need 3 guest ssids (and subnets etc) then do i have separate interfaces for each of the 3 or are all 3 linked to one "guest" interface and one set of firewall rules etc ?

If anyone can help I would really appreciate it.