Probably there is a logical cause/motivation for that OpenWrt DokuWikiinterwiki link configuration change and I am looking forward for further help in this from somebody.
The wikidevi ID is meant as backup for situations where the original link is not available (which was the case at some time during the past 4 weeks). It is based on the assumption, that every descendant of the original wikidevi ( is one of those) has the same link scheme as the original wikidevi.
In this case, the wikidevi link in the dataentry was working for due to a redirect, whereas techinfodepot didn't have this redirect.
I have now corrected the wikidevi link in the dataentry, resulting in working links for both and techinfodepot.
I am a frequent contributor to as can be seen by Contributions and most of the other wikis are just taking my entries from there! DeviWiki appears to have not any new entries since 2019. is my reference as well sine wikidevi went defunct. And I can tell you from personal experience the site operator is picky about details (and details matter with embedded).
@tmomas, thanks for the quick response with info and action.
Now I notice during editing an OpenWrt DokuWiki page when pasting the url, that url is automatically replaced by [[hwinfo_alternative2>]]. In preview such link is not working. I can solve it by typing the url instead of pasting it.