My notes indicate that when using the nft queues (nfq DAQ), you don't need to change the NIC offload settings at all; it's only needed when you use the IP filter packet path (i.e., afpacket DAQ).
But just in case, here's what I've got:
wan=$(uci get network.wan.device)
ethtool -K $wan gro off lro off tso off 2> /dev/null
tso = tcp-segmentation-offload
gro = generic-receive-offload
lro = large-receive-offload
Generic-receive-offload (GSO) and TCP Segmentation Offload (TSO) should be on, large-receive-offload (LRO) must be off.
Entering the parameters in the config is not a good idea because command line parameters are given priority and overwrite the parameters in the config, not to mention any errors caused by forgotten or incorrect characters. It is better to modify the service file, maybe you could extend it so that you only have to enter the options under /etc/config/snort like as Efahl's suggestion.
Exactly, I think that's the plan all around. Put all the settings possible in the config, then have the init.d script generate configs and/or modify its internal command line, so all of the stuff we've been doing on these two big threads boils down to 1) change config (cli or LuCI if we get really energetic), 2) run /etc/init.d/snort start, and then general users won't have to go through all the discovery steps we've been discussing here.
There's also the part about downloading rules, which is how I got started on all of this. I took @darksky's original script from the wiki and have "tuned it up" so that you can set uci snort.snort.oinkcode="blah" and if your code is valid, the script downloads and "installs" (symlinks right now) your subscription rules, in a location set in local.lua, and if no oinkcode exists, then it does the same with the community rules. (The update-rules script also has a testing mode to generate a hard-coded set of rules that you can easily test with just ping.)
Those sound like nice additions. I am thinking that passing a more complex command line is a nice option as well as coding it up in a config file. We could just have something like a SnortArgs= in a file that would get expanded by the init script.
Are you sure about TSO on? For my WAN facing eth1 it is off and performance is amazing.
generic-receive-offload: on
tx-tcp-segmentation: off
large-receive-offload: off [fixed]
EDIT: when I try to set tos to on it does not seem to be allowed:
# ethtool -K eth1 tso on gro on lro on
Cannot change large-receive-offload
Could not change any device features
# ethtool -k eth1 | grep tcp
tcp-segmentation-offload: off
tx-tcp-segmentation: off [requested on]
tx-tcp-ecn-segmentation: off [fixed]
tx-tcp-mangleid-segmentation: off [requested on]
tx-tcp6-segmentation: off [requested on]
I can't find my notes about the tso setting. I'm sure it's somewhere... As I recall, it was another "bug fix" that caused fragmented packets to be passed to snort, which then tried to match on disassembled pieces and snort would just pass the data without proper inspection. And, as far as I can tell, none of this is needed with nfq daq, as it delivers fully assembled packets by virtue of the queue mechanism.
In any case, if the setting is [fixed] then it's apparently hard coded into the driver or hardware, so you won't be able to change it.
Oh, and that means that you also need to jack up the snaplen value as high as possible, i.e., 64k, as mentioned in that above link to the nfq README. From the snort3 documentation:
• int daq.snaplen = 1518: set snap length (same as -s) { 0:65535 }
So, CLI would be -s 65535 and in config files the equivalent would be in the daq section of local.lua:
daq = {
snaplen = 65535,
EDIT: I did this on an x86 VM that was configured with only(!) 512 MB of RAM, and it locked the VM on snort startup. I had to back it way down to get snort to start, but then set the VM to have 1 GB RAM and it was ok with the full 64k snap buffer.
Yes that is good. The problem will be to add exception rules to the queue script via /etc/config/snort because depending on whether masquerading is enabled or disabled the source ip address sent to the queue will change therefore the exception rules to be created will also change. If masquerading is enabled, Snort sees only the source Ip address of the outgoing network card. But when masquerading is disabled Snort sees the original Ip address. This is a problem in that you can enable masquerading between internal networks as well, so exception rules between internal networks would no longer work in one direction and would have to be changed. Which brings the next problem with itself since the outgoing address is always one of the device addresses of Openwrt for example would exclude such a rule also everything which comes from
Better use a snaplen = 65531 if I remember correctly it will skip too small packets without content.
If I remember the tests correctly it was a few weeks ago TSO had an influence on the upload and the simultaneous handling of several simultaneous connections became better.
@xxxx@efahl - do either of you guys run snort3 on x86-64? If so, pull and modify the Makefile for snort3 as I show in the PR. It will build with hyperscan. Interested for you guys to test with it. If you don't want build your own packages, I can share the ones I built with you.
Interesting it is, problem is I use the stable Openwrt line and it is not compatible with the builds for the Development Snapshot builds. And to build a package for the stable Openwrt line now is nonsensical because a new stable version is already on the horizon and the Snort version in the current stable version is totally outdated anyway. If you are sure that the build is also on the release candidate you could share the package and I update to v23.05.0-rc2 and test it there. I hope the RC2 doesn't have the problem with my wlan modules which I had with a development snapshot build some time ago.
According to this, the snort version on that branch corresponding to v23.05.0-rc2 should be current, just a few sub versions behind snapshot.
I just checkout out openwrt-23.05 and built hyperscan for it rather than for snapshot. This way you can just install the two packages (snort3 and hyperscan-runtime) and have all the other packages matching that branch of packages.
Target system (x86)
Subtarget (x86_64)
Target Profile (Generic x86/64)
Here is a link to the two packages. Let me know how it goes!
@efahl - let me know if you want packages for snapshot and I can push them.
The Snort you compiled with Hyperscan does not work on the RC2 before that I tested with the version from the sources. I found out that it is better to put everything directly in snort.lua because obviously some things from the included files are ignored like my file that I created to load only selected rule files, in the snort.lua specified it loads the rule files in the local.lua specified it ignores them and does not load any rules.
I have searched for the error and it seems that you have compiled the snort package and probably also the hyperscan package with a cpu instruction set that my cpu does not understand. But I can't tell if it's because of the Amd processor in my Apu2 or if you used a too new instruction set in general.
Actually everything is correct, I built the RC2 image with the imagebuilder with the generic profile for x86-64 and everything works. The Amd also has no special instructions sets it is a normal embedded x86/64 AMD processor from 2014 the GX-412TC. So the problem is a bit strange unless there is an error in the generic instruction set of the compiler or the error is another one.