IPS mode of snort3 is not dropping traffic

I have tested again something the fastest configuration is the postrouting hook with a priority of 300 there snort behaves as if it were bound with pcap to the Wan device, but is able to block on the idea I came after I have read here https://wiki.nftables.org/wiki-nftables/index.php/Netfilter_hooks#Priority_within_hook that the connection tracking helper work there. The WanDevice should be specified in the Snort.conf ( variables = { 'device=eth0' }, ) otherwise I could observe in my tests the strange behavior that one device was blocked on another but not or only partially blocked. Here is the modified queue script:



nft list tables | grep -q 'snort' && nft flush table inet snort

nft -f - <<TABLE
    table inet snort {
        chain IPS {
            type filter hook postrouting priority 300; policy accept;

            counter  queue flags bypass to 4-7


$verbose && nft list table inet snort

exit 0