Inventel Livebox DV4210 files

Hi everyone, new joiner here.

I have an old Inventel Livebox DV4210, model blue5g9 gathering dust and I'd like to try installing OpenWrt on it (an old version will do). I have telnet and the TTL serial console working. The instructions are clear but the downloads are gone, specifically danitool's modified bootloader REDBOOT_blue5g-16MB_1chip.bin and precompiled firmwares. The debrick utility to backup the current firmware over JTAG would also be handy. If someone still has a copy of those files around, could they please be uploaded again and the links updated?

16 MB RAM is a hard no-go anyways…

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I know it's an obsolete low-RAM device, but it would have been fun to try. Oh well, it is what it is :slightly_smiling_face:

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