Instructions how to create/copy/configure/run dlakelan Gamer QoS script (or any script)

We are making progress... I see I don't set the veth into up state... Also we have things left over from before. Can you reboot before next test?

Change the section in the script where I set up the veths to have this:

if [ $USEVETHDOWN = "yes" ] ; then

    ip link show lanveth || ip link add lanveth type veth peer name lanbrport
    ip link set lanbrport master $LANBR
    ip route flush table 100
    ip route add default via $LAN table 100
    ip rule add iif $WAN table 100
    ip link set lanveth up
    ip link set lanbrport up

notice those two ip link set lanveth up and ip link set lanbrport up

also. can we move this thread over to the development thread for the script?

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