Installing OpenWrt in mi 4a router

Can anyone tell me

Both files are same here usually one is sys upgrade and one is just recovery first one need to be installed and then sysupgrade here both are sysupgrade can anyone help.

In some cases there are no factory images, either because the OEM firmware can flash sysupgrade images (e.g. if the OEM firmware is OpenWrt derived and still has working support for sysupgrade images, not too unlikely for ramips/ mediatek devices) or if some more manual flashing is required (serial/ bootloader based flashing, initramfs as intermediary, etc.). The verbose howtos in the device page should tell you more.

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Initially a kernel image and then sys upgrade

The Xiaomi Mi 4A has different versions: 100M, Giga, Gigabit, Chinese, and International. Before arriving to the point where you flash the sysupgrade image, you have to follow several steps. Friendly tip: carefully read the wiki of your particular model, and the online guide of the tool involved.

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Please continue the discussion in the already existing thread Help with my first installation of OpenWrt mi 4a