Installing luci app sqm

Hello All,
I'm trying to install this app, which opkg says is version git-21.164.25180-005c09a. One of this app's dependencies, kmod-sched-core, requires kernel version 5.4.142-1-84..., while the kernel I have installed is 5.4.128-1-b6...

I considered trying to upgrade to a more recent version of OpenWRT to get a fresher kernel, but there doesn't seem to be a release built for the US version of the Archer A6/C6 (I installed the snapshot then installed Luci).

What's more confusing to me is that 19.07.8 seems to run kernel 4.14.241, and 21.02.0-RC4 runs 5.4.137, which doens't even match the 5.4.142 that kmod-sched-core wants. Is the kernel from my snapshot really newer than the latest stable release? Does the "kernel" dependency not refer to the linux kernel? Is opkg looking at the wrong version of luci-app-sqm? I'm sure I'm missing something really obvious here.

I may be a little off on my wording, but essentially, a stable build is a 'frozen' snapshot, meaning it's a snapshot that the developers have decided was stable enough to freeze and fork off the snapshot builds, the snapshot builds continue to be built every day or so which is why you see the kernel differences. So a snapshot built after the frozen stable release will have a higher kernel version. If the A6 is only available in snapshots then you'll need to install all the packages you need within 24 hours or so or a new snapshot will be built and the kernel will change, or you can build an image yourself, which really isn't too difficult once you become familiar with the menuconfig.


See also


Yes. Releases are made from release branches, like tmomas linked above. 21.02 is the newest branch, branched off in early 2021. Each branch has its own kernel versions etc.

You are running a development master snapshot build, but already somewhat old. Based on 5.4.128 you are running a late June build, which is already outdated. The development snapshots are shortlived, and the kernel packages stays available/valid only for a short time (until the version are bumped again).

It refers to the kernel minor version plus the exact kernel options and features used in compiling the snapshot.

Your best bet is to sysupgrade to the current master snapshot and then reinstall all needed packages quickly.

Other alternative is naturally to build a personal firmware with all packages built-in , either with the quick imagebuilder or with the full toolchain.

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Thanks, everybody! Obviously, I need to educate myself more on the branch structure, I'll do the suggested reading. For now I did as hnyman suggested and upgraded to the current master snapshot then immediately installed the SQM modules, worked like a charm. I'll probably play with the image builder at some later date.

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