Good evening, a friend has an internet box which acts as a modem router in the living room at the bottom of his house then is connected to a cpl (powerline) + the second cpl(powerline (netgear plp2000) in his room to be able to play on his ps5 console
but it has a terrible bufferbloat
I would like to add a router to it with qos
i make a bbox + powerline + 2nd powrerline + router openwrt ?
bbox + powerline + router openwrt + 2nd powerline ? thanks every all
I assume the PS5 is not the only thing in the house using this Internet connection. It works best if all users of Internet on the modem go through the SQM. So you should disable routing and wifi functions in the ISP provided modem, then connect the OpenWrt router between it and the rest of the network.
Since the powerline adapters are just a bridge and hopefully perform equivalent to a length of cable (which is always preferable) that link can be either before or after the router.
I tried with the router in and in I have internet but I cannot access the interface of my box to create and open the ports (dmz)
in ip I have this address I don't know why in overview
I resume it is like that
modem router bbox + first cpl / second floor + cpl + openwrt router
ok so isp device -> router openwrt -> cpl 1 on the ground floor -> cpl 2 floor -> ps5
the ethernet cable of the cpl1 I connect it to the isp peripheral or to the openwrt router?
openwrt router is in router mode:
-> Internet BOX and openwrt are currently connected by RJ45 PORT1 of the BOX to the WAN port of the openwrt
-> the IP address of the openwrt is fixed, in 192.168.1.X in the interface of the internet box
-> port 1 of the openwrt is connected to a PLC box which distributes to the other PLCs. All the equipment on the PLC network is therefore managed by the openwrt in 192.168.2.X.
it's correct ? i will retry tomorrow thanks so much
The OpenWrt LAN can be any IP other than 192.168.1.X. is suggested, or anything in the range. The OpenWrt WAN will have a 192.168.1.X IP to link to the modem.
Don't let any device connect directly to the modem except the OpenWrt router. Turn off the wifi in the modem if you can.