Install openwrt on Fritz 7490

now i check

NAND device: Manufacturer ID: 0x2c, Chip ID: 0xdc (Micron MT29F4G08ABADAWP), 512MiB, page size: 2048, OOB size: 64

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Great. So now we know, you will need to use this (Micron) images:

To boot the ...initramfs-kernel.bin you can use the script.

For this you need to have python installed on your computer.
Do you use Windows or Linux?

i can use WSL with ubuntu installed?

no idea what kind of effort WSL requires, but I'd just boot a live Linux dist off a flash drive.

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I haven't tried it on WSL. Might be tricky if you have networking issues.

For me it worked on Windows directly. I have Python 3.11.9 installed at the moment.

i test first WSL, if not work i test with linux live

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now i install python on windows, i need to use command prompt or powershell? or it's indifferent

i've installed Python 3.11.9 on my windows

it doesn't really matter which, cmd or powershell, make sure the python.exe is in the path:

C:\Users\User>python --version
Python 3.11.9

Then you have to put the ...initramfs-kernel.bin and the in the same folder, something like C:\7490 and do this steps:

  • disable windows firewall
  • disconnect the fritzbox from power
  • connect your computer with LAN cable to the fritzbox LAN 1
  • assign a static IP address like this to your network adapter, netmask
  • prepare the command line (but don't execute yet):
python openwrt-lantiq-xrx200-avm_fritz7490-micron-initramfs-kernel.bin
  • connect the power to the fritzbox and wait until the LAN lights start blinking on your network adapter
  • then quickly execute the ramboot command

If the script gives you no errors, then the fritzbox should boot the initramfs kernel.
It can take a couple minutes, check the lights on the fritzbox, they will blink.

After it's booted, you can try accessing it with SSH on - you have to change the network adapter to some IP in that range.

Just a remark, the initramfs doesn't change your fritzbox yet. But it's the first step to be able to install the real image.

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pretty sure the initramfs will boot with the DHCP enabled.

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for lan lights what you intend?

SETENV memsize 0x07a22000
< 200 SETENV command successful
SETENV kernel_args_tmp mtdram1=0x87a22000,0x88000000
< 200 SETENV command successful
< 200 Media set to MEDIA_SDRAM

looks correct.

now wait for it to reboot.

hopefully you'll get an 192.168.1.x IP soon.

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The Power/dal light no longer flashes and is now solidly on

... and what about the IP ?

It's, ssh It asks me for a password

it's blank.

Im in root@openwrt

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if your 7490 is connected to your main router, go to /tmp and DL the sysupgrade image.

cd /tmp


sysupgrade openwrt-lantiq-xrx200-avm_fritz7490-micron-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin

the router will reboot, and the installation is done, once it comes back up.

if it's not connected to internet, DL the same image to your client, and scp it over to the router's /tmp folder.

note, the image will not have the webUI preinstalled -, pay attention to the top page links, on how to install it.