Implementation of drivers for the new CH343 chip into the openwrt core

Hello! I have a router on an AR9331 chip, OPENWRT version 18.06.01. I can't use the USB-serial converter on the CH9101(CH343) chip, the core only has CH341 support. I found the drivers only for LINUX I tried to build, OPENWRT is not going to work, it breaks, what I don't like is not clear, the key -j1 does not help. Does anyone have any experience implementing these drivers into the operating system itsel

18.06 is very old. It has been unsupported and EOL for a long time now.

What is your device?

ubus call system board

The principles are rather simple:

  • get CH9101(CH343) support working and merged into mainline linux (maybe it already is)
    • hope that the changes were already present on v6.1, if so, great - enable KERNEL_TESTING_PATCHVER and you're all set
  • once it's merged mainline, and assuming it only got merged past v6.1 here, you could submit a PR with backports for v6.1, enable KERNEL_TESTING_PATCHVER and off you go
  • no point of this includes 18.06, if you want that nevertheless, that's all up to you
  • neither does any of this include, no one is going to touch a serial driver linking to a closed source library only provided in binary form for a selected set of platforms with a ten foot pole.

Hello! The hardware is old, so the latest firmware will not work. I need the CP343.c or CH 343.ko file - I'll assemble the rest myself.

Hello! As I understand it, there is no solution. The CH9101U chip is fully compatible with FT232RL, but it costs several times less and there is already a massive replacement of FT with CH in the equipment. It is a pity that there is no solution.