Image Builder - luci-app-sqm.postinst-pkg - which: no uci in (/home/


while using image builder I observed the following:

cd openwrt-imagebuilder-19.07.0-ramips-mt7621.Linux-x86_64
make image PROFILE=ubnt-erx

Works as expected.

make image PROFILE=ubnt-erx PACKAGES="luci-app-sqm"

Configuring kmod-ipt-offload.
Configuring ppp-mod-pppoe.

Finalizing root filesystem...
which: no uci in (/home/...

Apparently this is caused by


which uci > /dev/null || exit 0
uci -q get ucitrack.@sqm[0] > /dev/null || {
uci add ucitrack sqm > /dev/null
uci set ucitrack.@sqm[0].init=sqm
uci add_list ucitrack.@firewall[0].affects=sqm
uci commit

I couldn't figure out if this is a problem of my build system or a general problem. And does it have impact on my build?


It is a mistake in the packaging, nothing related to your build system. It should have no impacts on your build.

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