Ignore IPv6 ISP DNSs

Hi! I want to ignore the DNSs advertised by the ISP. For IPv4, disabling this check in the interface does the trick: Use DNS servers advertised by peer.

I've PPPoE with IPv4 and IPv6 support, the WAN interface is configured for PPPoE and automatically a new Virtual Dynamic Interface appears for IPv6 WAN.


The upstream IPv6 contains DNS, as you see the IPV4 does not contain any DNS:

Are this DNS provided by the ISP? If yes, can I remove them in some way?

Just literally ignore this and configure whatever you want in "DHCP and DNS" as DNS forwardings.

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or ignore the ISPs DNSes by feeding custom IPs to the clients, via the DHCP,
let the router itself use whatever's provided by ISP.

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You could also set the IPv6 setting of the wan interface from automatic to manual:

Afterwards recreate/modify the existing wan6 interface, change it's device to either @wan or pppoe-wan and configure overrides as needed.

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Yes, I know I can ignore this and force others DNSs, but I wanted to remove them if possible. I don't want them to be used by the router neither. When the router is used as DNS it ends using the ISPs DNS if it does not found some domain in the "customs" DNSs provided.

I will try to test the jow suggerence, I hope it will not be too complicated to configure manually, IPv6 is new for me and I'm a little lost at this moment in the concepts :slight_smile:

Tested the @jow solution and working! Many thanks, DNS from my ISP have disappear, and the assigned one is the router itself, that was what I wanted to use DNS over HTTPS.

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