I can't install in Archer C6 (kr) using tftp64

hello. I write to use openwrt in South Korea (not Kim Jong-un's country). I have Archer C6 (kr) but i can't install openwrt.


In TFTP64, everything looks fine. I have also tried using a 10/100 switch. But when I opened openwrt-23.05.0-ath79-generic-tplink_archer-c6-v2-squashfs-factory.bin, I noticed something suspicious.

(Unable to embedded an image because i'm a new user)
I see only 4 special_id in the SupportList. I think it's because only the special_id of US/EU/RU/JP are registered, so it doesn't keep installing. Is it possible to extract the special_id from my device and install them?

Oh, and one last thing: KR and EU are exactly the same.

The problem looks exactly like this