I just acquired this cellular router. Price was great, performance is surprisingly good, but the feature set and UI is buggy and lacking. I've found that it's running openwrt 21.02-SNAPSHOT 4.4.1. Luci is installed but inaccessible. At least proper Luci. Some bastardized version of it is serving as the web UI, quite poorly. My primary gripe is that it shows capability for openvpn and wireguard, but so far they seem to be inop.
I have found a surprising lack of info on the ws1610 apart from sales material. The board runs mt7981ba/mt7969cn with a 256 flash and 1G ram. 1x2.5g, 1x1g lan ports, dual SIM, and I have an rm551e-gl in the m2.
I've seen similar soc's with these chipsets supported on the official list, and obviously the compatibility is there considering owrt is in place. I'd like to flash current full-release, but worry about potential loss of function if the OEM has some placed some custom solution to a hardware issue that I'm just unaware of. Otherwise why the snapshot? Admittedly, I'm still a relative newb in all relevant fields, so perhaps I'm just being paranoid? What say you
Can you show boot log i.e. to check if device flash and ram layout is similar to some existing device.
Also you can try to ask manufacturer for GPL source codes should you decide to port things.
It looks like a cut down version of their WS1698 with less LAN and an extra SIM slot.
They haven't done that on any of their other routers, including the WS1698, so it shouldn't be an issue. I added support for that to ROOter by using the Z8102AX as a model for the DTS.
Use a serial cable and flash an intramfs image until you find one that seems to work then port from there. They had pins on the other 6 of their routers I've worked with.
That is some heavily hacked version of OpenWrt that bears little resemblance to the real thing. And it is rubbish. Which is why they hired me to create a ROOter for those 6 routers.
Well, that is most certainly above my head at the moment, but I'm sure I'll be able to figure it out.
Now, are you saying that current ROOter/GO builds would support this device? This actually replaced my old wg867 running GO, and going back to that ui would be ideal.
No, it supports the WS1698. I haven't seen the WS1610 before but the specs make it look like a modified WS1698-256M.
I don't know if that firmware would run on it but it would be where I'd start if I was adding support. Just flashing and hoping would be a big mistake as a brick could happen. If you have a copy of the factory firmware you could always recover as I'd think it uses the same bootloader with a Recovery GUI.
i bought one from alibab with sdx 75
sdx will work just fine with open wrt or need to install new frimware i bought m.2 usb in just if need to change frimware rm551EGL
how to build rooter for device if you can help i will build one for my and community
ok can i make device boot from sd card? ws1610 come with custom openwrt
is there way to make command to reboot and boot from sd card i think i can manage bulid i watched video for build and so easy to build