How to distribute DNS via DHCP

Dear All,
I have been using Openwrt and Pi-Hole for a few years now without any issues. OpenWrt sits on a Linksys router, and Pi-Hole sits... on a Rpi. They work great, but I always noticed, that all computers getting DNS lookup info from the DHCP (on OpenWrt) get the router's IP address as the DNS server.
the router is setup to forward queries to the Pi-Hole, and everything works fine, maybe a bit slower for the extra hop.

Is there a way to eliminate this extra hop? How do I set up OpenWrt to send the Pi-Hole's IP address as DNS server?

I have the following setup in OpenWrt:

Any pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated!

Go to your lan interface in Networks and edit it. Click the DHCP server tab and then advanced settings. There you can define additional DHCP options including DNS servers. The hint below the box tells you how to do it.


Awesome, @nicsure I found it, it works.

For anyone else interested it looks like this:


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