How to debrick Xiaomi AX3200 / Redmi AX6S [SOLVED]

Okay, so last night I didn't know what I was doing (in panic to fix it).

I think this fix is only installing the stock firmware, and I don't know if you can install openWrt later.
I was desperate to fix it.

I was following this tutorial.

But I modified it with the files from this link

If you use google translate to translate the whole page. Be careful it might hide some of the routers for some reason. I used the website and translated with google lens.

1.Download the Xiaomi Router Repair Tool from the client area.
2.Download the rom for your router from the rom area.

While following the tutorial.
I needed to:

Disable windows defender or any antivirus software. Then download the files and extract them and follow the tutorial.

This method failed 2-3 times. But I eventually got it and I installed the stock firmware.

For anyone in the future who might brick their device. This is how I solved it.

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