Hello, I am novice to LEDE and networking and would like to ask for your assistance:
I have a TP-LINK RE450 range extender wherby the stock firmware has a flaw - it transmits the extended network with TKIP cypher only, and there are no settings to force AES.
Hence I decided to flash with LEDE, which worked successfully. However, I am not able to get internet on the extended network, and would like to ask for your assistance in the configuration, using the web interface. Here are the steps I already performed:
Changed IPv4 address of range extender in Network/Interfaces - Edit LAN. Reason: My host router is already
Removed pre-existing LEDE network on radio0 and radio1
Connected to MyHostNetwork in "Client" mode on radio0, and kept the "Name of the new network" field as is (wwan); Assign firewall-zone" left ticked on proposed "wan: empty". Submitted, save and apply.
Add new network to radio0, ESSID "MyHostNetwork Extended" (I want it to be able to see it to distinguish from MyHostNetwork); Mode: Access Point; Network: ticked "wwan" and "lan"; Wireless Security: WPA2-PSK, Cipher Force CCMP (AES) - I don't want any TKIP; save and apply
Wireless overview status: MyHostNetwork shows in Client mode and connected; MyHostNetwork Extended shows in Master mode, and connected when I connect to it from my laptop. Associated Stations show MyHostNetwork as wlan0 with signal, and MyHostNetwork Extended with signal
Result when connecting to MyHostNetwork Extended from my laptop: connected, but No Internet. Changed mode of MyHostNetwork Extended to Access Point WDS, but still No Internet Access on laptop
Please advise what is missing to get internet access on MyHostNetwork Extended?