Hello, I want to build bbr3 for OpenWRT but I can’t find its files anywhere, can you please tell me? And another question, is it possible to build tcp brutal in this way?
it is just selectable in menuconfig
I understand this, but I want to change the source file for compilation, or rather, replace tcp_bbr.o with Google's bbr3
Then you want to add a new package, so some work to port.
I'm trying this myself, but I can't find the source to use as a template
You mean this?
Yes, this file.
While searching for information I came across a repository
As I understand it, bbr3 should only be expected in the next major OpenWRT release?
BBR on a router doesn't make much sense for most folks, as it's end-point oriented...
Recall that TCP is layer 3...and this might also cause some issues with things like SQM on the router, esp Cake which is very popular - ECN treatment in CAKE vs BBR can conflict.
One of the cool things, if I've read correctly, is that BBR only need to be on one end-point for it to be effective...
Might help with TCP apps like OpenVPN if configured for TCP... and perhaps some of the other L3 approaches to get around great firewall things.
Last note - if one add kmod-tcp-bbr - this turns the feature on - so one can play with it, just know ahead what might happen.
there's a PR already for this https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/16414
Yeah, but as @Sfx2000 tried to explain, it’s only relevant for speeding things up for the tcp end-points (eg websocket session between browser and server), so it won’t do much good for your router. For this, use Cake, fq_codel, or something similar.
No, you will need to recompile the entire kernel, because the patches for BBR3 affect many files.
Thank you very much, I compiled the firmware and am using it now
How do find the tcp_bbr.c used in openwrt?
(I thought I could just find the answer myself..)
Where is tcp_bbr.c ?
in ./build_dir directory, find works.