How to add "DNS Query report" tab to Adblock on OpenWrt

Hello everyone,

Does anyone know how to add the " DNS Query report" tab to Adblock page on openwrt web interface?

I installed adblock 3.5.5-3 from "software" and configured it but I cannot get " DNS Query report" tab to show. I installed tcpdump and tcpdump-mini and restarted the router but that tab is still not showing. What am I missing?

Also, I was reading on forums that people installed later versions of Adblock so I was wondering how were they able to install a later version when the one I mentioned above shows up as the latest version when I search for adblock under System -> Software.

Thanks in advance

I wasn't even aware Adblock had that function, so i don't have an answer unfortunately, but you might try asking in the Adblock support thread, probably more likely to get an answer there.

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Reporting is currently only available in snapshots and in forthcoming stable 19.07 get it in 18.06 do the following:

  1. ssh to your router
  2. cd /tmp
  3. download latest adblock snapshot releases (core & luci) to your router, e.g. with uclient-fetch
  4. install both packages with opkg, e.g. opkg install adblock_3.8.12-1_all.ipk --force-maintainer (the latter flag updates/overwrites your current adblock config as well)

That's it basically. Please note that the reporting feature need the additional package tcpdump-mini as well.

Edit: you'll find the donwload links in the first post of the already referenced adblock support thread.

Hope this helps!

Thanks @dibdot

Just to make sure I understood your steps correctly, can you please let me know if the following is correct?

  1. I will use this link that was referenced in @mike comment above:
    Adblock support thread

  2. Then from that link I will download " adblock_3.8.12-1_all.ipk"

  3. Now this is the part that is not clear to me. In the same link from #1, there is a link in the first post for " luci companion package"

What is not clear to me is what are the names of the other additional packages that I need to download and install in addition to the one I mentioned in #2

  1. Is there any difference between tcpdump and tcpdump-mini?

Thanks in advance for your help

Hello friends, I have a problem with some pages in particular, for example:

The page does not load correctly almost any image, if I analyze the code and see the SRC, for example:

img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 3 2'%3E%3C/svg%3E" loading="lazy" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-559303" data-src="****" alt="raspberry pi 4 b 8 gb" width="1200" height="664"

If I copy the source code to another tab, I can access the image without problems. I have the domain whitelisted.

if I deactivate adblock everything works again.

any ideas?


config adblock 'global'
	option adb_dnsfilereset '0'
	option adb_mail '0'
	option adb_backup '1'
	option adb_maxqueue '4'
	option adb_dns 'dnsmasq'
	option adb_trigger 'wan'
	option adb_report '1'
	option adb_repiface 'br-lan'
	option adb_lookupdomain ''
	option adb_dnsflush '1'
	option adb_debug '1'
	option adb_dnstimeout '10'
	option adb_safesearch '0'
	option adb_fetchutil 'uclient-fetch'
	option adb_forcedns '0'
	list adb_sources 'adaway'
	list adb_sources 'adguard'
	list adb_sources 'andryou'
	list adb_sources 'anudeep'
	list adb_sources 'bitcoin'
	list adb_sources 'disconnect'
	list adb_sources 'notracking'
	list adb_sources 'openphish'
	list adb_sources 'phishing_army'
	list adb_sources 'reg_es'
	list adb_sources 'spam404'
	list adb_sources 'stevenblack'
	list adb_sources 'stopforumspam'
	list adb_sources 'utcapitole'
	list adb_sources 'wally3k'
	list adb_sources 'whocares'
	list adb_sources 'winhelp'
	list adb_sources 'winspy'
	list adb_sources 'yoyo'
	option adb_enabled '1'