How does /etc/config/firewall correspond to the tables and chains of iptables rules ?

Add the following rule information in /etc/config/firewall to generate the correct rules I want in the zone_wan_input chain of the Filter table.

config rule
	option target 'ACCEPT'
	option src 'wan'
	option family 'ipv6'
	option proto 'all'
	option extra '-m conntrack --ctstate DNAT'
	option name 'Allow-DNAT-Input'

But when you add a

	option dest '*'

Such parameters generate incorrect rules in the zone_wan_forward chain of the Filter table.

So how do the rules defined in /etc/config/firewall correspond to the tables and chains of iptables?

Yes adding or deleting src and dest changes the chain.

In fw3, the src and dest are tied to the target:

  • If src and dest are given, the rule matches forwarded traffic
  • If only src is given, the rule matches incoming traffic
  • If only dest is given, the rule matches outgoing traffic
  • If neither src nor dest are given, the rule defaults to an outgoing traffic rule

This definition still feels not very flexible and perfect

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