Help with luci-app-nlbwmon git-20.054.45541-8083868-1 22.0 KB Netlink based bandwidth accounting

Does the Netlink based bandwidth accounting data get lost when I reboot?

I have a potential bug on the Raspberry Pi4.

The main display in luci:
conns rx_bytes rx_pkts tx_bytes tx_pkts
104 15272321940 2897891 266281623 4988276

exported by MAC:
Connections Download (Bytes) Download (Packets) Upload (Bytes) Upload (Packets)
58.70 K 61.93 GB 12.47 MP 1.07 GB 21.51 MP

Command line:
nlbw -t 2020-02-01 -c show -g mac -o mac -q
Conn. Downld. ( Pkts. ) Upload ( Pkts. )
57.32 K 61.92 GB ( 11.89 M) 1.06 GB ( 20.51 M)

Is the main source for this package?