Help to translate

How do I understand all this and translate?

%{src?%{dest?Forwarded:Incoming}:Outgoing} %{ipv6?%{ipv4?<var>IPv4</var> and <var>IPv6</var>:<var>IPv6</var>}:<var>IPv4</var>}%{proto?, protocol %{proto#%{next?, }%{item.types?<var class="cbi-tooltip-container">%{}<span class="cbi-tooltip">ICMP with types %{item.types#%{next?, }<var>%{item}</var>}</span></var>:<var>%{}</var>}}}%{mark?, mark <var%{mark.inv? data-tooltip="Match fwmarks except %{mark.num}%{mark.mask? with mask %{mark.mask}}.":%{mark.mask? data-tooltip="Mask fwmark value with %{mark.mask} before compare."}}>%{mark.val}</var>}%{dscp?, DSCP %{dscp.inv?<var data-tooltip="Match DSCP classifications except %{dscp.num?:%{}}">%{dscp.val}</var>:<var>%{dscp.val}</var>}}%{helper?, helper %{helper.inv?<var data-tooltip="Match any helper except &quot;%{}&quot;">%{helper.val}</var>:<var data-tooltip="%{}">%{helper.val}</var>}}

Its basically expressions in one of the three forms:

  • %{expression?Text if true:Text if false} - Replace with "Text if true" when expression is set, otherwise replace with "Text if false". Both the true and the false variants can be omitted, e.g. %{expression?Text if true} will result in "Text if true" when expression is set, otherwise nothing. Another variant is %{expression?:Text if false} which will result in either the expression value when set or the text "Text if false".
  • %{expression#Loop text} - Repeat "Loop text" for each value in expression
  • %{expression} - Replace with the value of expression

There's also two special variables:

  • %{item} refers to the current list item being looped
  • %{next} a variable which is set to true for any list item except the first, this is mainly used to place list separators conditionally

For example the expression %{protocol#%{next?, }%{item}} with protocol = ["TCP", "UDP", "ICMP"] will result in "TCP, UDP, ICMP"

Broken into pieces and reformatted for clarity, the above block becomes the following text. The translatable parts are underlined.

For a real world example it might help to look at the russian translation which makes distinguishing the formatting code from the texts easy due to the use of the Cyrillic alphabet.


    <var>IPv4</var> and <var>IPv6</var>

  , protocol 
      <var class="cbi-tooltip-container">
      <span class="cbi-tooltip">ICMP with types 

  , mark <var
    data-tooltip="Match fwmarks except 
      with mask 
      data-tooltip="Mask fwmark value with 
      before compare."

  , DSCP 
    <var data-tooltip="Match DSCP classifications except 

  , helper 
    <var data-tooltip="Match any helper except &quot;
    <var data-tooltip="

I don't understand much, but the Russian translation helped!

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