Hello. I have a bricked TP-Link Archer MR200 4G Router (https://openwrt.org/toh/tp-link/archer_mr200) and I want to uncbrick it via flashing EEPROM with a SOIC8 Adapter but I don't have a CH340a Programmer neither a Raspberry Pi and I am trying to do it with a ESP32 (Arduino microcontroller family).
I have been searching a lot and either the sketches are old or broken or incompatible with ESP32.
The only one that worked for me is https://github.com/nfd/spi-flash-programmer
I tried to do a dump of the EEPROM in order to get Configurations.bin using this command:
spi-flash-programmer-master]$ python3 spi_flash_programmer_client.py -d /dev/ttyUSB0 -f dump.bin read
Connected to 'SPI Flash programmer v1.0'
[################################] 16384/16384 - 00:16:33
But the file dump.bin I get is only 4,2 MB instead of 8 MB that is the size of the EEPROM
Anybody knows if is this normal?
Then, when i run:
dd if=dump.bin of=Configurations.bin bs=64k count=3 skip=125
I get this msg:
dd: MR200_dump.bin: no se puede saltar al desplazamiento especificado
0+0 records in
0+0 records out
0 bytes copied, 0,00430995 s, 0,0 kB/s
"no se puede saltar al desplazamiento especificado" means that "It cannot be possible to jump to the specified shift"
If you know any other way to dump and flash this EEPROM Through a ESP32, please tell me.
Thank you very much