Help Needed: ruTorrent Configuration Issues

Hello everyone,

I am trying to configure ruTorrent on my OpenWRT setup but encountering errors. I have rTorrent configured and accessible via the LuCI app at port 5000. Here's a screenshot showing one torrent seeding successfully through rTorrent:

However, when I load the ruTorrent interface, I encounter the following errors:

I believe this might be due to ruTorrent not connecting properly to rTorrent. I have tried troubleshooting but unable to fix it. Could anyone please help me resolve these issues?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

N.B: I have a working Transmission setup, but I need rTorrent for my use case, so please don't suggest any other client.

What tutorial you follow?

I followed this tutorial to set up rTorrent.

Then, to install ruTorrent:

> opkg install php8 php8-cgi php8-cli php8-fastcgi php8-fpm
> cd /www
> wget -O rutorrent.tar.gz
> tar -xzf rutorrent.tar.gz
> mv ruTorrent-4.3.6 /www/rutorrent

After this, I am unable to proceed; I tried so many things and forgot them but none work.

I have done this so it is possible but I moved on fro torrent on openwrt so I dont remember.

but what I remember was that the rutorrent default config didnt work on openwrt and I had to change the binary path and point them to complete path of programs.

like this: in the file

	$pathToExternals = array(
		"php"	=> '',			// Something like /usr/bin/php. If empty, will be found in PATH.
		"curl"	=> '',			// Something like /usr/bin/curl. If empty, will be found in PATH.
		"gzip"	=> '',			// Something like /usr/bin/gzip. If empty, will be found in PATH.
		"id"	=> '',			// Something like /usr/bin/id. If empty, will be found in PATH.
		"stat"	=> '',			// Something like /usr/bin/stat. If empty, will be found in PATH.

but your error is not like what I saw.

btw have you got rtorrent running on its own?
I mean as a separate program?
is it running on openwrt or another device?

what is your goal?
running rtorrent on openwrt?
because you can have rtorrent running on openwrt and run rutorrent on another computer and configure it that way.

I got running rtorrent from this.
running with screen
running on openwrt
my goal is to ruTorrent as web ui for rtorrent

I came to know ruTorrent allows to rename files before starting downloading like qBittorrent, I need feature. I am trying to use openwrt router as a seedbox.

you can run rtorrent on the openwrt with no issue (it is just a binary) and then you can, on another computer on your local LAN , install and configure rutorrent and point it config to rtorrent ip.

this is easier if you have linux installed on your local computer.

I had rutorrent running on openwrt but it was a hassle.

btw if you want to just download via openwrt, transmission is a better torrent manager and had remote gui app to control it.

rtorrnet is better for just seeding as it doenst have a download queue manager.

can you use transmission or do you just want rtorrent.
I dont use rtorrent/ruttorrent for downloading because it is hard to manage.
transmission or qbittorrent-nox are easier to manage.

can you confirm if you can rename files before downloading in rtorrent?
I am missing this feature on transmission

qbittorrent-nox on openwrt? how? I am using cudy wr1300 v1

you can use this for rtorrnet.

again, I don't use rtorrent for downloading. I use it for long term seeding and not on openwrt.
and I don't thing you can rename in rtorrent (At least not easily).

for downloading transmission is way easier. you can rename before downloading (inside of adding torrent file dialog)

if you want a easy life for normal user I think transmission is better.
its has a gui remote app (not html web app) that makes life very easy.

I am talking about this kind of renaming option before adding to client.

if any webgui support this, that's enough.

I don't know how to configure this/other web gui, could you please guide?

what is that?
a webgui?
it doesnt seem like a web app. it seems like a normal app.
it is for rtorrent or another app.

and you still didnt answer me: do you have to use rtorrent?

this for transmission

Yeah, it is qBittorrent desktop app.

I would like to use rtorrent for this feature. I got to know between transmission and rtorrent, only rtorrent supports this feature.

I am getting these errors now.

[08.08.2024 00:00:32] WebUI started.
[08.08.2024 00:00:32] Bad response from server: (200 [parsererror,getuisettings]) <?php require_once( 'WebUISettings.php' ); $settings = WebUISettings::load(); $json = $settings->get(); CachedEcho::send($json,"application/json",false);
[08.08.2024 00:00:32] JS error: [ : 1] SyntaxError: expected expression, got '<'

I don't know how to configure nginx/lighttpd for rutorrent.

what feature?
renaming files before downloading?
as far as I know rtorrent doesn't allow renaming.
not before not after.

transmission as I showed at the top, can rename both before and after downloading.

do you have to you rtorrent?
cant you use transmission?

debugging rutorrent error is hard on normal pc,
on a openwrt is even harder.
I recommend using transmission.
it is way easier.