Help me with installing and configuring Adguard


i managed to install AdGuardHome on my router thanks to [HowTo] Running Adguard Home on OpenWrt

how ever the page is running fine but only few steps left for me i couldnt handle first is in step 2.2 this command /etc/conf/dhcp says permission denied as it appears here thru ssh

secondly 2.3 step /etc/firewall.user

thanks guys.

Those are text files, not executables, you need to edit them.

If you're on Windows, use winscp.


Oh, thanks i will try it now

well, things went good. Adguardhome is working finally winSCP was life changer

but actually one more thing is ads still not blocked in wireless connections

is it because my wifi NIC isnt integrated in routerboard?

Most mobile phones use preconfigured DNS servers, not the ones issued by the DHCP server. Try with DNS highjacking.

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Do you any link or articl i could read and follow its instructions about this dns hijacking?

you could have googled it ... -

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hey :.)

am i doin good?


I.m running AGH on my router and it works fine and blocking ads but only on one device which is my pc. Is there anything im missing?

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you can test your rule by doing It is being used ISP DNS even though i set up my Pi4 router with a different DNS - #4 by frollic.

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I would rather see the config files, please.
On the other hand, you can check wether it works, using some DNS quering tool.


Well, i actually ditched AGH and moved to adblock-lean, were easy to set up and blockdd ads over my wifi. Thank you

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