Help creating Nftables tables

I will configure it here

Holding my breath, fingers crossed :wink:

I think you need to replace meta mark set 1 with meta priority set 0xef , to sthrow game traffic into internet telephony class.

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I'm sorry, but I couldn't, because when I do this my firewall no longer works, I don't know if I'm following the right steps.

Delete file you created.

Copy / paste command:

cat > /etc/nftables.d/juegos.nft  << EOF
chain input_high_priority {
		type filter hook input priority filter + 1; policy accept;
		udp dport 3074 meta mark set 0x00000001 accept
		tcp dport 3074 meta mark set 0x00000001 accept

	chain output_high_priority {
		type filter hook output priority filter + 1; policy accept;
		udp sport 3074 meta mark set 0x00000002 accept
		tcp sport 3074 meta mark set 0x00000002 accept


fw4 check
service firewall restart
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root@OpenWrt:~# fw4 check
Ruleset passes nftables check.

So there is no need to create another INET area, you can apply it directly to INET FW4 in this mode.

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Yes, exactly to extend existing table

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Thank you very much, this is already a great starting point for me.

You can learn "variables" with lists of interfaces via fw4 print

Or prepend your rules to existing "hook" tables by repeating default hook configuration:

chain mangle_postrouting {
    type filter hook postrouting priority mangle; policy accept;
    oif $wan_devices tcp flags syn / syn,ack,rst tcp option maxseg size set rt mtu
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Right now I'm playing with doors, prioritizing each one of them.

No estas jugando con puertas :door:
(he is experimenting with PORTS)


It seems to me that you are misunderstanding priority in this context. It has nothing to do with giving packets special treatment, but merely dictates the order in which the rules are applied to packets as they pass through nftables: raw happens before mangle happens before filter happens before filter+1...



Yes, im saying same, I suspect one intends to set priority, not flags.

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Yeah, this bit in his original post lead me to believe that speeding things up was the goal of the experiments, in which case experimenting with tc (traffic control) would be much more productive than playing with the firewall.

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honestly I think it is mangle_prerouting ... ct state established .. tcpudp ... th port 1234.... set priority 0xef

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I've done this so far, I don't know if it's right, but I'm testing it to learn

chain input_high_priority {
        type filter hook input priority filter + 1; policy accept;
        iifname "pppoe-wan" udp dport 3074 meta mark set 0x00000001 ip dscp set ef accept;
        iifname "pppoe-wan" tcp dport 3074 meta mark set 0x00000001 ip dscp set ef accept;

    chain output_high_priority {
        type filter hook output priority filter + 1; policy accept;
        oifname "pppoe-wan" udp sport 3074 meta mark set 0x00000002 ip dscp set ef accept;
        oifname "pppoe-wan" tcp sport 3074 meta mark set 0x00000002 ip dscp set ef accept;

    chain input_dns_priority {
        type filter hook input priority filter + 2; policy accept;
        iifname "pppoe-wan" udp dport 53 meta mark set 0x00000003 ip dscp set cs1 accept;
        iifname "pppoe-wan" tcp dport 53 meta mark set 0x00000003 ip dscp set cs1 accept;

    chain output_dns_priority {
        type filter hook output priority filter + 2; policy accept;
        oifname "pppoe-wan" udp sport 53 meta mark set 0x00000004 ip dscp set cs1 accept;
        oifname "pppoe-wan" tcp sport 53 meta mark set 0x00000004 ip dscp set cs1 accept;
    chain http_priority {
    type filter hook input priority filter + 2; policy accept;
        iifname "pppoe-wan" udp dport 443 meta mark set 0x00000005 ip dscp set cs1 accept;
        iifname "pppoe-wan" tcp dport 443 meta mark set 0x00000005 ip dscp set cs1 accept;

    chain http_priority_output {
    type filter hook output priority filter + 2; policy accept;
    oifname "pppoe-wan" udp sport 443 meta mark set 0x00000006 ip dscp set cs1 accept;
    oifname "pppoe-wan" tcp sport 443 meta mark set 0x00000006 ip dscp set cs1 accept;

The hard part is that there are no tutorials to teach you how to do this, if you have something please share it with us.

You can classify in tc too , iptables are good if it is easy to qualify....

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I have to install the iptables packages for this, but that could mess everything up fw

Hola Manito, Deixo para vocês este post que pode lhe interessar, é um script muito simples de instalar, é projetado para jogos.

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