Help convert new Linksys E8450 to UBI layout

I have new Linksys E8450 with stock firmware 1.2.00.

I began the process recommended here of converting to UBI layout for permanent use of Openwrt. Problem is I can't get past Step 5: "Click exactly inside the radio button to confirm the terms and conditions, then abort the wizard. (Complete the wizard if you are running stock firmware version 1.2.x)"

When I attempt Step 5 by clicking inside the radio button and then clicking the "next" button, the router complains I don't have the ethernet cable connected correctly. It wants me to plug a cable in from yellow WAN port to modem. All I am offered is a "next" button which loops between the Terms and Conditions window and the Ethernet Cable Not Connected Correctly window.

Can anyone please advise how to get Openwrt installed on this thing?

It appears Linksys E8450 will not allow passage past the Terms & Conditions page without an Internet connection. It also forces user to setup wifi and assign passwords to everything before allowing access to settings.

Can someone direct me to where I can find the following image (as indicated on the Github page) openwrt-...-mediatek-mt7622-linksys_e8450-ubi-initramfs-recovery-installer_signed.itb

I have firmware version and apparently it requires a signed image. But I don't see any "signed" images under the mediatek > mt7622 targets

I realized the install images weren't hosted on openwrt website. Had to get them from github.

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Well, I've done four of them and there is a way to avoid connecting, but I don't recall the magic handshake and can confirm it's a total nightmare to go through this each time. Anything that works is fine.

I see that you've found the correct signed image on the dangowrt github. For people wondering if this is kosher, yes, Daniel Golle is one of the OpenWrt core devs and those images are from a very reputable source (he's @daniel here on the forums; for more, go scan the E8450/RT3200 megathread: Belkin RT3200/Linksys E8450 WiFi AX discussion ).

You can bypass the setup process for the Linksys E8450 by using an ethernet cable to connect the wan port to one of the lan ports. It's not looking for internet, it's only looking to see if a cable is connected to the wan port.

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