You can claw back some space with auc attended sysupgrade or furmware selector:
replace wpad-basic-mbedtls with hostapd-basic-mbedtls (no more wwan or mesh)
install openvpn-mbedtls before luci app, no ssl hardware in your router to lose.
(and when overlay space is past half use auc command to move altered packages to squashfs root)
Given your ( (crap(!)), there is no 'nice' way of saying this if a translator lacks subtlety) : apparent skillset you do not, yet, seem to have the skills to pick and choose what you can remove form a suggested build to make this work.
If you read, carefully, you, may, have packages you are willing to give up for 'space'.
Which would require a custom build based on your skills.
It would require you to ditch this build and start over.
Hello how are you? The issue is that I watch tutorial videos with 3mb free (the same router model) and mine only has 1.31mb of total space, with only 1.1mb of available space.
So you need more space. How to get it?
Try DuckDuckGo and be prepared to understand you are in a 50 gallon pool and you want to put 15 more gallons in it, (purely metaphorical).
And, just for giggles:
What TY video did this to you?
We need to know so we can shoot it down.
Replacing wpad (wifi client and access point) with hostapd (only access point) and adding client for firmware rebuild service.
Please report back how much space you got after.
Some megabyte will be needed to add openvpn-mbedtls and luci frontend.
Note it has no gui, we first install openvpn-mbedtls, then compact it with auc client, if we are still at disk space
Or alternatively add luci packages in firmware selector as in