I was able to access u-boot prompt from the serial console.
After clicking Esc to interrupt the autoboot, use the password "Hs2021cfgmg" to enter into a configuration shell with a SCHS prompt (Intelligent Switch Mass Production Menu). From this prompt just type XXXX and you will enter the u-boot prompt!
Fro the SCHS prompt you can use hshelp to see available command.
In u-boot there is a rtk command I was not fully able to understand but I used the "upgarde runtime" command to replace the kermnel image on the SPI via tftp. Actually I did all that because I brick the router!
I wil be really intereted having OpenWrt running on this nice small hardware!
I've found a way to use uboot to dump out the flash, so hopefully I'll be able to provide that 'shortly' (uboot console at 38400 and byte at a time reads means the 16MBytes will take quite a while).
I have recovered the original firmware.
I dump the flash (still waiting for a clip so I soldier wires!) using a RPI and flasrom. I analyze the u-boot binary to find out how to have a u-boot prompt and then - I had a backup of the original firmware I did with the original UI - I use the command upgrade runtime to flash back the original firmware.
All is working again.
But I am no more able to ssh to the router using a newly created user named root and I am sure I was able to do it before!
I got the I2C register map for the HS104 chips also (put them up on https://svanheule.net/switches/)
Just working on a driver for this.
Hopefully this coming weekend I'll be able to give it a go trying it out from uboot tftpboot.
I've added some very basic info here: https://svanheule.net/switches/s1100wp-8gt_se
I'll try to add more tonight, would be great if you could add any additional information you've got also.
I was able to boot Openwrt using the device tree put together by koreapyj for the F1100W-8S+. Obviously this is just a proof of concept we can compile and properly package the image. By the way I have a S600WP-5GT-SE (5 ports) which is probably running the same firmware version of the 8 port. There is only 4 POE port (one POE board only while the 8 ports has two I assume).
I plan to start working on the device tree (although it's my first time).
By the way I was also able to put modify the original initramfs and produce a modified firmware to boot into the busybox shell. Let me know if this could be useful lto you while you develop the POE driver.
Absolutely that would be great if you could provide the info on Busybox shell access.
I’ve already made a start on PoE driver. Based on tps23861 code already existing from Robert Marko. In the hwmon subsystem.
I’ve also made a start on devicetree, but not a fan of the current arrangement of the rtl930x DTS situation, so I’d like to more fully flesh out the base SoC DTSI, and bring in pin-ctrl stuff for selection of the various peripherals.
I’m happy to push to a github/gitlab (either mine or yours) to collaborate more.
I created an image that boot to the shell (on the serial console). Would be glad to upload to your Google drive (what is the best way to share the firmware?).
Few point to use it. The board as the IP and is expecting an tftp server on (obviously this can be changed in U-Boot but these are the defaults). You need to:
You should be in thh shell. You will see the busybox has been compiled with not much commands but at least this is a starting point.
I noticed several command have been "overwriten" by linking from /bin to /sqfs/bin this is the case for sshs that has the hardcoded shell /bin/cli. Note that I have removed the original ln from /bin/cli to /sqfs/bin/cli. This the default sandboxed shell.
I am investigation Openwrt (booting kernel for now) and would be glad to push to your Github - looks like you have one- we can create branch and try to make some progress.
@bevanweiss I've added your switch based on the openwrt github dts you sent a while ago. https://gitlab.com/olliver/openwrt/openwrt/-/commit/a521116365bbb78b8e99f29d46e71708e64dce23 is the current state, if you could read it over? I'm not sure on the LED configuration, as I can't find a picture of it. Also, I don't see (m)any hasvio switches with 2 leds, yet you documented two. The led on GPIO0, is hardware controlled as the 'sys_led' normally. it can do rapid blinking during power-on and booting. You called it the 'pwr' led? What is the function of the led you called 'status led' then? or is there a 'fixed always on' led to indicate power (that is more common) which cannot be controlled at all (as its not connected to a GPIO).
Also, You mentioned 'RTL8221 and RTL8226 PHYs' in your DTS, but then list 8 entries. So which one is it? I'll read your wiki page to see if I can learn more
I haven't added the flash chip yet, but that should be a triviality and not matter for initramfs booting. So if you can give the dts some views, that would be good
I haven't yet tested my tree; so no guarantee's that the WIP tree works at all
@bevanweiss you linked me the bootlog at somepoint where the 'unrecognized JEDEC id bytes' where printed. According to the datasheet it should be '0xa14018' can you confirm that that's what was printed? I got all the other data from the datasheet I think, so we should be good there.
Anyhow, any more (partially) finished DTS files that are hanging in this thread? I have 2 Hasvio switches, and one EZ-U dts now in the tree; though they all need testing :S (and I'm still build-fixing some stupid shit and need to test it on my switch too)
I have a DTS for the Hasivo S600WP-5GT-SE (5 ports) largely inspired from the S1100WP-8GT-SE (8 ports version). I am trying slightly different set-up that the 8 ports but I am not able to have the 2.5G working (just 1G). Eventually the 5 ports should a subset of the 8 ports but I guess we are trying to have it work.
It may be nice to have it in your tree.
I would be glad.. but I am not sure to know how to do it! I have a local git only, should I register to Gitlab? Should I e-mail the patch (form the base you suggest). Excuse my ignorance..
whatever works for you; you can even copy/paste the content here. Though e-mail is probably easiest, as I can then get your patch as a patch, and keep you as author
(git format-patch -1 , attach to a forum post is probably easiest)