Guest LAN configuration 23.05.4

Hi - after a couple of days googling and experimenting, I concede I am beaten. I have a Plusnet router running 23.05.4 and it's configured to use a tethered smart phone for WAN access. It works great.

I configured yesterday to work with OpenVPN and this went fine but my googling alerted me to the possibility of running two networks on the router, a guest wireless network with a VPN and a second network without, both having their own IP address ranges. This would be ideal for my situation.

One post suggested setting up the guest network in the first instance, so I have been looking at this and trying out the suggestions from different posts without success.

Can anyone point me in the direction of a good guide. I'm looking at this as not only a way to gain proficiency but also to achieve my desired configuration.

Despite being IT literate, I must confess I find OpenWRT configuration counter intuitive, with no clear relationships between the different elements of a configuration, which leads me to suspect that the relationships must be implicit or inferred. I have yet to find any guides that explains in simple terms what the different configuration elements refer to and how they cross relate so any steers on that would be welcome.

For setting up a guest wifi:

When that is done you need Policy Based Routing to route the guest wifi via the VPN:

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These documents may be useful reading as well:

Thanks. I found this guide. Once I found and corrected the error in one of the commands, I had a guest network

Thanks to you both

Is this guide still relevant and a valid approach?

It is doing the opposite to what I need, in that the solution is for the VPN on the main network, but that should be close.

I have essentially two working configurations. One for a working VPN and one for a working guest network. I now need to combine the two configurations. Is there short-cut?

Hi - I have established a guest network and downloaded PBR and configured my network according to the video referenced in the page you kindly directed me to. There is some progress in that I can direct my non VPN traffic directly to the main network by setting a simple rule specifying that my main IP address range should be directed to the WAN, BUT it ignores the rule on router reboot and required that the PBR service is restarted via LUCI to bypass the VPN

There is also mention of setting the default route but gives 2 different examples of the syntax to be used, list pull_filter 'ignore "redirect-gateway" for etc/config/ovpn or pull-filter ignore "redirect-gateway" for the .ovpn file. I have both, so it is unclear what I should be editing. Guessing hasn't helped!

Setting the guest network to direct traffic to the VPN via PBR doesn't work. My guest network works if I set an explicit rule to direct it to the WAN but this isn't what I need of course. I can't see any explicit commands in the config files that bind an interface to the VPN so can't understand what part of the config is causing the 2 networks to behave differently.

Solved. It was a firewall issue. I'd still like to use list pull_filter 'ignore "redirect-gateway" in the config/openvpn file if possible as the VPN server switch script I use cannot be altered to include the line pull-filter ignore "redirect-gateway" on the ovpn file

I'm wondering if creating a new firewall zone for the guest network plays nice with pbr: Should the guest network be assigned to the lan firewall zone?

That is no problem, pbr can work fine with a guest zone

Not necessary, usually you want other settings for guest and lan zone

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