General OpenWrt support for Xiaomi AX3600 (Part 2)

It's part of OpenWrt. Look at the master branch not all of them affect the AX3600, but it's build from this code.

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Specific for the ipq807x target


I feel like this is maybe a silly question, but still... what is the best way to keep track of changes affecting ax3600 now, when it's merged upstream :thinking: ? So far I was reading Robi's changelog and posts here, but now? How to know which upstream builds are worth the upgrade and which I can skip?

I see a lot of technical talk. I used basic linux servers before for remote website/app management(following tutorials using ssh/putty etc), but don't have much knowledge about routers and networking.

I looked at the specs and price of the Xiaomi AX3600, and loved everything until i saw that it does not support wireguard.

Now, i found a tutorial/wiki about flashing openWRT on this device, but would it still allow many devices to connect(have around 40, out of which 15 low-traffic smart bulbs), be able to create a mesh network and most importantly offer decent wireguard speeds? I'd like 250 mbps minimum.

It does support wireguard.

With OpenWRT, you mean...?

also why is this topic being closed?

I have a dumb question, but why the snapshots are losing packages compared with previous versions?
Wpad is lost for example (I suppous that is the module unite the two 5G networks)?
Or exist some complete package version?
I'm a little lost.
Thanks you.

May be using this?

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Thank you, that worked

Is anybody know of in the original firmware they enabled 802.11v and 802.11k ?

For me usteer seems to be the better option. Thanks for the advice.

Not working for me.. can you post your configuration file?

Starting to think this topic won't ever close ahahaha


Nice, thanks! Do you know how are the labels assigned? Is it manual and devs choose or is it somehow automated based on touched files?

Out of curiosity, considering the missing NSS features, has anyone got a chance to compare the stock and OpenWrt firmwares' performance and power consumption?

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A problem with some phones exist but for this @McGiverGim opened a report.

@McGiverGim could you please post your script too? I'm just interested in it.

This is my working config:

config usteer
        # The network interface for inter-AP communication
        option 'network' 'lan'

        # Log messages to syslog (0/1)
        option 'syslog' '1'

        # Disable network communication (0/1)
        option local_mode '0'

        # Use IPv6 for remote exchange
        option 'ipv6' '0'

        # Minimum level of logged messages
        # 0 = fatal
        # 1 = info
        # 2 = verbose
        # 3 = some debug messages
        # 4 = network packet information
        # 5 = all debug messages
        option 'debug_level' '2'

        # Maximum number of neighbor reports set for a node
        #option max_neighbor_reports 8

        # Maximum amount of time (ms) a station may be blocked due to policy decisions
        #option sta_block_timeout 30000

        # Maximum amount of time (ms) a local unconnected station is tracked
        #option local_sta_timeout 120000

        # Maximum amount of time (ms) a measurement report is stored
        #option measurement_report_timeout 120000

        # Local station information update interval (ms)
        #option local_sta_update 1000

        # Maximum number of consecutive times a station may be blocked by policy
        #option max_retry_band 5

        # Maximum idle time of a station entry (ms) to be considered for policy decisions
        #option seen_policy_timeout 30000

        # Minimum number of stations delta between APs before load balancing policy is active
        #option load_balancing_threshold 0

        # Minimum number of stations delta between bands before band steering policy is active
        #option band_steering_threshold 5
        option band_steering_threshold 2

        # Interval (ms) between sending state updates to other APs
        #option remote_update_interval 1000

        # Number of remote update intervals after which a remote-node is deleted
        #option remote_node_timeout 10

        # Allow rejecting assoc requests for steering purposes (0/1)
        #option assoc_steering 0
        option assoc_steering 1

        # Allow ignoring probe requests for steering purposes (0/1)
        #option probe_steering 0

        # Minimum signal-to-noise ratio or signal level (dBm) to allow connections
        #option min_connect_snr 0
        option min_connect_snr -75

        # Minimum signal-to-noise ratio or signal level (dBm) to remain connected
        #option min_snr 0
        option min_snr -75

        # Timeout after which a station with snr < min_snr will be kicked
        #option min_snr_kick_delay 5000

        # Timeout (ms) for which a client will not be steered after rejecting a BSS-transition-request
        #option steer_reject_timeout 60000

        # Timeout (in ms) after which a association following a disassociation is not seen
        # as a roam
        #option roam_process_timeout 5000

        # Minimum signal-to-noise ratio or signal level (dBm) before attempting to trigger
        # client scans for roaming
        #option roam_scan_snr 0

        # Maximum number of client roaming scan trigger attempts
        #option roam_scan_tries 3

        # Retry scanning when roam_scan_tries is exceeded after this timeout (in ms)
        # In case this option is set to 0, the client is kicked instead
        #option roam_scan_timeout 0

        # Minimum time (ms) between client roaming scan trigger attempts
        #option roam_scan_interval 10000

        # Minimum signal-to-noise ratio or signal level (dBm) before attempting to trigger
        # forced client roaming
        #option roam_trigger_snr 0

        # Minimum time (ms) between client roaming trigger attempts
        #option roam_trigger_interval 60000

        # Timeout (ms) for client roam requests. usteer will kick the client after this times out.
        #option roam_kick_delay 10000

        # Minimum signal strength difference until AP steering policy is active
        #option signal_diff_threshold 0

        # Initial delay (ms) before responding to probe requests (to allow other APs to see packets as well)
        #option initial_connect_delay 0

        # Enable kicking client on excessive channel load (0/1)
        #option load_kick_enabled 0

        # Minimum channel load (%) before kicking clients
        #option load_kick_threshold 75

        # Minimum amount of time (ms) that channel load is above threshold before starting to kick clients
        #option load_kick_delay 10000

        # Minimum number of connected clients before kicking based on channel load
        #option load_kick_min_clients 10

        # Reason code on client kick based on channel load (default: WLAN_REASON_DISASSOC_AP_BUSY)
        #option load_kick_reason_code 5

        # Attempting to steer clients to a higher frequency-band every n ms.
        # A value of 0 disabled band-steering.
        #option band_steering_interval 120000
        option band_steering_interval 10000

        # Minimal SNR or absolute signal a device has to maintain over band_steering_interval to be
        # steered to a higher frequency band
        #option band_steering_min_snr -60
        option band_steering_min_snr -70

        # Interval (ms) the device is sent a link-measurement request to help assess
        # the bi-directional link quality. Setting the interval to 0 disables link-measurements.
        #option link_measurement_interval 30000

        # Script to run after bringing up a node
        #option node_up_script ''

        # Message types to include in log
        # Available types:
        # - probe_req_accept
        # - probe_req_deny
        # - auth_req_accept
        # - auth_req_deny
        # - assoc_req_accept
        # - assoc_req_deny
        # - load_kick_trigger
        # - load_kick_reset
        # - load_kick_min_clients
        # - load_kick_no_client
        # - load_kick_client
        # - signal_kick
        #list event_log_types ''

        # List of SSIDs to enable steering on
        list ssid_list '<Insert your SSID here>'

Please, can you please create a own topic for those specific questions in using?
Those things have nothing to do with the development anymore.

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#list ssid_list ''
I saw you're not enabled this option.
I need it to roam 2.4ghz and 5ghz seperately... Should enable this option?
And how you measured the SNR values ?