FRITZ!Box 7520 TFTP request does not find my computer

Ah okay, the problem is, you are trying to connect to as if it were the TFTP server. That's not how it works. The fritz!box acts as a TFTP client and fetches the software from your computer, which has the TFTP server. That means you need to have the FRITZ7520.bin file already in the TFTP server directory. And you don't need to run tftp at all on your computer, the fritz!box should fetch the file. You should then see in the console that the file was fetched (for this I recommend -d for dnsmasq, which keeps it in the terminal instead of forking).

I still have no explanation for why dnsmasq with --port=0 is trying to bind to port 53. That does not happen on my machine.

I see! Thank you

If I've understood it correctly:
sudo ls /srv/tftp/
should show FRITZ7520.bin

(that's what I already have done)

the only thing now I need to add is the flag "-d" with the dnsmasq command?
Should it look like this?
"dnsmasq --listen-address= --port=0 --enable-tftp --tftp-root=/srv/tftp --tftp-no-blocksize --user=root --group=root -d"


I just ran -d on dnsmasq and I get the following output:
"dnsmasq: started, version 2.90 DNS disabled
dnsmasq: compile time options: IPV6 GNU-getopt DBus no-UBus i18n IDN2 DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP conntrack ipset no-nftset auth cryptohash DNSSEC loop-detech inotify dumpfile
dnsmasq-tftp: TFTP root is /srv/tftp"

Right, you should now get a request from the Fritz!BOX to your TFTP server at your static IP BTW, this is the step that also didn't work for me.

Thank you!

I guess no need for additional post lol!

Guess now we wait

If you also see no request in the dnsmasq log then the next step is to use wireguard or similar on the ethernet interface to confirm that the router is sending the request.

Hey just checking in did you find a solution to this?

No, not yet.

Hey, I just got it today

Not sure why or how or what but I never considered using ssh root@ after I run the I was just waiting for some reason for something to happen...

So instead of waiting I just ssh'd into the Router and then after that continued with the commands that were written in the guide. Worked everything without any problem.

Now I got OpenWRT succesfully installed, however I have problems with my PPPoE / WAN : Error: Connection attempt failed

But, that's for another post, not here.

The best of lucks to you!

Nice that you got it to work. That doesn't work for me, the router doesn't respond to the SSH request (but it does respond to pings).