I am trying to install OpenWRT on a FRITZ!Box 7520. Following https://openwrt.org/toh/avm/avm_fritz_box_7530 I have used eva_ramboot.py to push UBoot and now I can verify with wireshark that the router is trying to fetch the FRITZ7520.bin file with TFTP. I have set my IP to but for some reason the request does not get to my TFTP server on my computer. I have confirmed that the TFTP server works and I have pinged the router with my IP set and can see in wireshark that the router responds to this IP and ping receives this response. Confused.
While we're helping one another out, I read someone mentioning checking on the TFTP-Server so I was hoping someone could help me find out why my TFTP-Server isn't working properly, please?
I tried the
tftp localhost / /
get FRITZ7520.bin
but I keep getting Timed out messages
I am using ubuntu 22.04 (freshly installed), and whenever I try to run this command:
Hello, I get the error that port :53 is being used
When I look for port :53 it's the systemd-resolved that's using it
So I disable systemd-resolved
And after that I can do the dnsmasq command.... however
I recently found out I had to install tftpd-hpa, and now with that service running it is using port :69
So now when I run dnsmasq command, not only I have to take care of shutting down systemd-resolved on port :53, but I also have to kill the PID of tftpd-hpa on port :69, otherwise dnsmaqs command won't run.
And without tftpd-hpa running on port :69, I keep getting "Transfer request timed out"
So I'm kind of stuck in a loop here.
I can gladly make a complete new post about this, because I think it's something bigger and different topic than the Author from this post and I wouldn't like to mess with his solutions and help.
2.a) ping -a
2.b) chmod +x * (initrafms, .py and uboot.bin)
2.c) ./eva_ramboot.py --offset 0x85000000 uboot-fritz7520.bin (not 7530)
-> message output something along the lines worked
2.d) initrafms file rename to FRITZ7520.bin
2.e) mv FRITZ7520.bin /srv/tftp/
2.f) sudo chmod -R nobody:nogroup /srv/tftp/
2.g) sudo chown -777 /srv/tftp
2...) chmod and chown also for FRITZ7520.bin file
3.a) disconnect / connect to LAN for IP changes to take effect
3.b) ping -a
3.c) sudo systemctl stop systemd-resolve
3.d) dnsmasq --listen-address= --port=0 --enable-tftp --tftp-root=/srv/tftp --tftp-no-blocksize --user=root --group=root
"failed to create listening socket for port 69: Address already in use"
3.e) sudo netstat -lunp | grep 69
3.f) here in.tftpd is being shown on port 69, so I kill the processes and run the dnsmasq command again
3.g) tftp
tftp > put FRITZ7520.bin
Transfer request timed out.
I can only run dnsmasq or tftpd on port 69 and no matter which one I run, I always get Transfer request timed out.
However, I must say, when tftpd is running on port 69 and I do
tftp > get/put FRITZ7520.bin
tftp >"
I don't get Transfer request timed out, locally it seems to work.