Fresh install of OpenWRT - Firewall errrors / warnings

Hi there!

New to OpenWRT - just installed, and I'm having some issues with WAN dropping out sporadically, trying to just slowly work my way through the issues I am finding.

After factory reset, I'm seeing this issue in firewall:

There are legacy iptables rules present on the system. Mixing iptables and nftables rules is discouraged and may lead to incomplete traffic filtering.

Is this something I should be concerned about? I've seen some people recommend removing the QOS packages under Sofware?

EDIT: these are the only rules in the table:

What was the file that you installed? Where did it come from? (Please provide the link)

And let’s also see the output of

ubus call system board
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I can get the dump later, here's the fw:

The fact that there is qos stuff is unusual for a default installation. Did you install that either as part of your image or post-install of OpenWrt onto your system?

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Just recovery img then sysupgrade.

Should I delete?

Well, something is not right....
I'd recommend using sysupgrade to install the latest snapshot (with no modifications). Use the link you provided earlier and click the link for the sysupgrade image. Then upgrade your router with that file and do not keep settings during the upgrade (uncheck the box that says "keep settings").

Yes this is exactly what I did via ssh initially, and I've been applying it via Luci as well?

LuCI and ssh methods are equivalent.

Uncheck the keep settings checkbox or use the -n flag with the CLI:

sysupgrade -n /tmp/filename.of.sysupgrade.image

Yes, I've flashed several times.

This is what I am getting (I just flashed again via Luci), using this image:

Any idea what could be going wrong here?

Flash the correct image without any non-standard packages and without saving settings, just like @psherman has instructed above.

Thank you for the reply.

Sorry if I have not made this clear - this is exactly what I have been doing.

The issue persists. Happy to try a FW image or send some logs if you have any advice - what FW are you using for this model? Wouldn't hurt to confirm the link.


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Thank you for this advice.

I'm in a bit of a catch-22 here - when installing the latest snapshot, I lose Luci (which is expected), however I am unable to get a WAN connection so that I can download Luci ... I can SSH to the router, but I cannot connect it upstream (have confirmed the upstream DHCP is working fine).

I've confirmed that the /etc/config/network file is identical in both the working firmware configuration, as well as the non-working. Can you advise any other network configuration aspects that I might be overlooking, especially that could be defaulting to different values between the snapshot and the firmware on Meister's Github here? (uses OpenWrt SNAPSHOT, r22242-c8c91909d9)

DHCP works fine using that FW image (upstream router and gateway is, OpenWRT LAN defaults to, WAN is DHCP)

Thankn you in advance!

If this is a blocker for you, you can create a custom image (using the firmware selector) that includes LuCI (and no other added packages).

But, you more than likely are having problems because you're using a non-standard image... if you use that standard image, you should be able to reach the internet with your wan set as DHCP client.

An alternative here would be to set this up behind another router... with that, the DHCP client mode is less likely to be an issue, and it's really easy to get things running.

Please flash the standard (snapshot) image.

Is there a chance that the image you're trying to use doesn't actually flash/stick and you reboot into your old image where there are some iptables rules?

HI there

Thanks for the reply. Maybe I should back up a little.

I am using a Spectrum SAX1V1K.

SSH sysifo returns:

root@OpenWrt:/# cat /tmp/sysinfo/model
Askey RT5010W-D187

It's my understanding that these devices are essentially identical, except for memory size and USB and number of ports.

I have tried to use this one:

I am wondering if I should be using this one:[]=rt5010w

The instructions for flashing factory image on that page involves quite a bit of extra steps - I initially booted recover.img via tftp, then simply sysupgrade -n -v -F /tmp/sysupgrade.img.

100% of the time, I always uncheck "keep settings".

Other facts:

*I am currently on OpenWrt SNAPSHOT, r22242-c8c91909d9
*No matter what image I try to flash to via Luci, I get a FW mismatch warning.
*It would appear that Luci is already built-in to the latest FW releases and snapshots I have been trying from

So the salient questions here:

*Currently being on a functional snapshot with Luci and WAN access, am I good to just sysupgrade once I determine the right FW? Or would there be any reason to backtrack to a recovery.img (kernel only)?
*Should I have installed the factory image differently? I followed the github instructions explicitly.
*What would the right FW for this be? There are two options: SAX1V1K, and RT5010W

Thank you very much in advance

I've checked the current version under Luci -> Overview, and it indicates an upgraded verison, so idk?

Please show us a picture of the info sticker that has the model information. And we are still waiting for the output of:

ubus call system board
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The modem is a Spectrum SAX1VK

Here is the output of ubus call system board:

root@OpenWrt:~# ubus call system board
        "kernel": "5.15.98",
        "hostname": "OpenWrt",
        "system": "ARMv8 Processor rev 4",
        "model": "Askey RT5010W-D187",
        "board_name": "askey,rt5010w-d187",
        "rootfs_type": "squashfs",
        "release": {
                "distribution": "OpenWrt",
                "version": "SNAPSHOT",
                "revision": "r22242-c8c91909d9",
                "target": "ipq807x/generic",
                "description": "OpenWrt SNAPSHOT r22242-c8c91909d9"

This doesn't seem to be supported by the official project...

But this one is...

There also appears to be some information to suggest that the RT5010W is a rebranded DL-WRX36 based on this thread.

I'd recommend installing the sysupgrade image for the SAX1VK as linked above.

Thanks for the advice.


I gathered as much about the Dynalink DL-WRX36 - however, when flashing the sysupgrade (image obtained from here), it bricks the router (it gets stuck looking for a USB partition (I think), and the SAX1VK does not have a USB port). I had to short out the clock pin to get back to a uboot shell and then tftp boot recovery.img.

That write up on the Dynalink also includes very different instructions for flashing the factory image, which might explain why there appears to be a partition or mount hangup.

Additionally, the serial number of the router stopped working as root password for shell login when interrupting uboot at this time. This one I really can't figure out and have been investigating for a while.


Yup, I've installed the last two snapshots from that link (openwrt firmware selector).

They both flash successfully (via Luci and via ssh).

When flashing via ssh, it's sysupgrade -F -n -v (there is a warning, so I have to use --force), but after flashing (from both Luci and SSH and serial), the following conditions occur:

  • no WAN connection
  • no access to Luci
  • restarting WAN adapter and confirming /etc/config/network has DHCP for WAN has no effect. Used commit uci and restart several times, also factory reset and power cycled a few times.

At this time, the only working FW is here.


Absolutley no idea what to do next, this is what comes to mind:

  • Is there a way to log installation so I can compare the logs of a working FW flash vs., the semi-functional one? Setting the sysupgrade to -v, is there a way to output it to a log that is persistent after the flash and can be read?

  • Is there any merit to trying a different intramfs image for recovery.img? My understanding is that it does not affect anything as sysupgrade is a complete and total overwrite, yes?

  • The DL-WRX36 firmware link you sent me has Kernel, Factory, and Snapshot images - this is completely new for me, I've only flashed the following procedure:

  1. interrupt bootloader
  2. boot to kernel.img via tftpboot
  3. sysupgrade to snapshot
  4. factory reset
  5. power cycle

So I'm not sure what's up with the three images listed.

Lastly, wondering what happened so that the root password at uboot doesn't work anymore, that's a big concern as it requires me to short out the clock pin to get to a shell now.

Open to any suggestions, thanks again for your attention.