Really exciting! I'm a home user, and I might give it a try, but I really hope businesses get interested in this and provide you with a nice revenue. Good luck!
Uses HTTPS (or http) to fetch its config from the controller
Probably similar to Cucumber Tony or Plume but you have the option to ALSO host the controller instead of being forced to use a controller not owned by you.
You can also use hardware that only runs on older versions of OpenWrt / LEDE.
Today I expanded my mesh which has two Xiaomi 4C's running OpenWrt 21.02.x and added another 4x OpenMesh OM2Ps which I had lying around. Those were build using OpenWrt 17.01.x.
The mesh is up and running with no problems or complaints so far. Old and new living in harmony
I am using youku yk1 router. I hope radiusdesk can be installed on openwrt easily. I'm currently using Daloradius which is easy for me to use on OpenWrt without the risk of a brick router
need php8 maybe have to update installation on github Fatal error: Composer detected issues in your platform: Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version ">= 8.1.0". You are running 7.4.33. in /www/rdcore/cake4/rd_cake/vendor/composer/platform_check.php on line 24
is there also a way to install this docker image on openwrt?
this looks great, but I don't want to setup an additional server or some kind just to manage my devices, so I'm looking for a way to install this on my main router and from there just manage my access points.
thank you.