Firewall4: suppress logging on specific rules

I generally want to log drops and rejects in a zone, so that I can audit the need for potential new rules.

But there can also be a lot of noise in a zone, specifically broadcast traffic that really does not need or want logging.

Is there any way to enable logging for a zone to have this audit but then to disable it in rules defined to simply not log all of the noisy broadcast traffic?

Referring to Logging single firewall rule - #11 by Barney I tried to add an option log '0' to such rules:

config rule
	option name 'Dont-LOG-Misc-Broadcast'
	option target 'DROP'
	option src 'lan'
	option family 'ipv4'
	option log '0'
	list proto 'all'
	list dest_ip ''

config rule
	option name 'Dont-LOG-Misc-Broadcast-2'
	option target 'DROP'
	option src 'lan'
	option family 'ipv4'
	option log '0'
	list proto 'all'
	list dest_ip ''

(yes, I know those rules could be combined, but I separated them for debugging purposes) but that doesn't seem to work. I guess per-rule logging can only be enabled, but not disabled?

Is there any way to leverage option log '1' to log only drops/rejects for a zone as a last-chance rule and simply disable the zone-specific Enable logging on this zone so that I have more control over what gets logged and what I can suppress from logging?