Firewall4: /etc/firewall.user

I wanted to add mss clamping with /etc/firewall.user:

nft add table ip filter
nft add chain ip filter forward { type filter hook forward priority 0 \; }
nft add rule ip filter forward oifname wg_* tcp flags syn tcp option maxseg size set 1352
nft add rule ip filter forward iifname wg_* tcp flags syn tcp option maxseg size set 1352
nft add table ip6 filter
nft add chain ip6 filter forward { type filter hook forward priority 0 \; }
nft add rule ip6 filter forward oifname wg_* tcp flags syn tcp option maxseg size set 1372
nft add rule ip6 filter forward iifname wg_* tcp flags syn tcp option maxseg size set 1372

However, nft list tables does not show any new tables. Is firewall.user no longer included?


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I want something like this:

nft add table ip filter
nft add chain ip filter forward { type filter hook forward priority 0 \; }
nft add rule ip filter forward oifname wg_* tcp flags syn tcp option maxseg size set 1352
nft add rule ip filter forward iifname wg_* tcp flags syn tcp option maxseg size set 1352
nft add table ip6 filter
nft add chain ip6 filter forward { type filter hook forward priority 0 \; }
nft add rule ip6 filter forward oifname wg_* tcp flags syn tcp option maxseg size set 1372
nft add rule ip6 filter forward iifname wg_* tcp flags syn tcp option maxseg size set 1372

I can add chain rules in /etc/nftables.d. However, they are both merged into inet/fw4. How can I differentiate between ip4 and ip6?

Why don't you want to merge those rules? There is no useful reason at all to have separate ip/ip6 tables.

root@er-x:~# cat /etc/nftables.d/20-wg-maxseg-size.nft
chain wg_maxseg {
	type filter hook forward priority 0;
	oifname wg_* tcp flags syn tcp option maxseg size set 1372
	iifname wg_* tcp flags syn tcp option maxseg size set 1372

Since there were different values assigned for IPv4 and IPv6 packets, maybe this is a good use for a map:

oifname "wg_*" tcp flags syn tcp option maxseg size set meta nfproto map { ipv4 : 1352, ipv6 : 1372 }
iifname "wg_*" tcp flags syn tcp option maxseg size set meta nfproto map { ipv4 : 1352, ipv6 : 1372 }

Thanks to all of you! :slight_smile:

I am very unexperienced and I was on the same direction. I did:

	meta nfproto ipv4 oifname "wg_*" tcp flags syn tcp option maxseg size set 1352
	meta nfproto ipv4 iifname "wg_*" tcp flags syn tcp option maxseg size set 1352
	meta nfproto ipv6 oifname "wg_*" tcp flags syn tcp option maxseg size set 1372
	meta nfproto ipv6 iifname "wg_*" tcp flags syn tcp option maxseg size set 1372

However, your solution is much better!!! :smiley:

@jow Did you saw that?

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