Firewall blocking access from WAN

I'm still in the process of setting up my OpenWrt router, so for the time being it is connected to my current router. The OpenWrt machine uses the subnet and my main router I have created a new rule in /etc/config/firewall with the expectation to have full access:

config rule
    option name 'old-network'
    option src 'wan'
    option list src_ip ''
    option list src_ip '::'
    option target 'ACCEPT'
    list proto 'all'

When restarting the firewall I got the error message ! Skipping due to different family of ip address so I split the rule up to the following two:

config rule
    option name 'old-network'
    option src 'wan'
    option list src_ip ''
    option target 'ACCEPT'
    list proto 'all'
    option family 'ipv4'

config rule
    option name 'old-network6'
    option src 'wan'
    option list src_ip '::'
    option target 'ACCEPT'
    list proto 'all'
    option family 'ipv6'

Unfortunately I'm getting Connection refused error if I try to access e.g. LuCI via (in my case) or if I try to SSH into the router. Adding option dest 'lan' didn't change anything. Did I forget to change some other settings?

This is of course just a temporary rule, which I will delete once I put the router "in production".

  1. You cannot use list and option simultaneously.
  2. Change to

option src_ip ''

  1. My error while writing this post, without ssh I can't copy paste, the file only uses list
  2. That fixed the issue, thanks :slight_smile:
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