Firewall - Block IP Adresses inTraffic Rules

ooww just thought name was only a name for the rule, but giving the name RDP also dont work :frowning:

Also i think i know why my initial ip ban list question dont work....
Apparently it wasn't designed for the way i want to use it
If you bulk input, like i did in my example, it just ignores all adress and just block the port....
So, you need to manually keep adding ip-adresses 1 at the time under 1 rule.... which is to insane, even for me :stuck_out_tongue:

It will not work by adding all addresses in one line, there is a button add ip there for that.
But for bulk addresses it is best to use ipsets.
If you don't want to use a vpn, it makes more sense to whitelist the addresses you want and drop anything else.

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That's exactly what i mend about the add ip list.

I think i have got what i want, with a GUI :P!

  • ipset
  • banIP
  • luci-app-banip

For banIP:

  • libustream (any will do, i just picked the first one)
  • Dropbear (this is preinstalled on openwrt, or a other SSH of your choosing)

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